Question of the day: What small change would you make in your life to have a healthier life style?
Answer: I would have to say, concentrating on small goals vs stressing over the big plan.
Starting things off
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their very kind words and support that they have offered to me after my previous post. To know that I have the support of so many people is such a wonderful thing and it goes a long way in helping me stay a bit more positive.
Hard to stay Positive
I noticed after a while, I was trying too hard to keep my posts positive and it became a struggle. Instead of venting out my thoughts, I felt bad for writing anything negative and as a result, my blog slowed to a stop. While writing the other day, I had a release of emotion that really helped me focus on becoming a better me. Am I still having bad moments? Oh yeah and nothing is going to change that besides time and my attitude about things but I am going to just focus on one day at a time.
Improvements Already?
Yesterday's workout class was a great one for my tummy and legs. I haven't been that sore in a long while. My legs were killing me today but after our side shuffling little monkey's, I felt so much better. Of course, at the end of class, I was sore and sweaty but it was such a GREAT feeling of accomplishment! I am really pushing myself so I can see results that I want. Feeling a good sore and having more energy are wonderful side effects.
I have soreness where?
In class today, we did throw downs. Normally I kinda just loaf and flake on these but with my new "I can do it" attitude, I put my all into it and wow, I noticed that some of my muscles around my c-section scar were really feeling everything and I wanted to cry, but in a good way. Positive tears! I am not used to feeling anything in that area when we work out but today those muscles were letting me know that they were there!
Stressing myself out
Yesterday was a bad day eating wise. As I started my mental shift towards losing weight vs just being active, my body and mind were clashing against each other. I felt guilty for eating food of ANY kind and guilty for NOT eating. I became so stressed out and angry that I had to take a deep breath and remind myself that nothing has changed in my rhythm other than I will be putting more effort into my workouts.
To scale or not to scale?
I have been debating between getting a scale to use on a regular basis. I hate scales. The thought of constantly being controlled by a set of numbers would just ruin my life. However, I was debating on maybe using it once a week or once a month to let myself see some kinda progress. More thoughts will be brought up on this subject as time goes on.
Good night and Summary
Overall, yesterday and today have been really good for me and my body. I am still struggling with my downward thoughts but I am loving the feeling of actually putting in hard work. Totally worth all the sweat and pain. This new style of blogging is really helping me out as well. Being able to get my feelings out in the open is really freeing. So I say good night to all my readers and am letting you all know that I welcome you to talk with me on facebook or in person about my blogs or anything I say in them.
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