Day 115: Last workout of 2015
Good day friends and family! I figured today would be a perfect day to make a post seeing as this is the last day of the year. The workout went really good and I am super sore. I am debating if I am fighting off a cold or I am just feeling this week's workout. It could be both.
The workouts have been progressing smoothly and I am lucky enough to have found a new member so I can take advantage of the deal that Coral is running so I can keep on trucking with my workouts for the month of January.
I feel like I have accomplished so much in the months that I have been working out. Mainly in my strength vs appearance. I am not a big fan of setting goals for the new years but I will stick with my getting healthy goals that I unofficially made.
Lately since my Son is on school vacation, I have been very bad and just sprawling on my couch watching netflix and playing on the computer. I do take breaks but I am really seeing the suffering from not being as active as I should be! Since we had a 5 day break for Christmas and normal days off, I was really feeling everything we did once we started up again.
I was crazy sore and tonight is not really any different even though I did start up on Tuesday instead of monday (I really just wanted to sleep in, so I did). I think that I am going to be very greatful once school starts up again and my normal routine begins again.
I am pretty basic: wake up, wake the kids up, drop of Son to school, go to workout class, come home, make food for everyone then just chill or do chores until it is time to pick up Son from school. This is followed by making an afternoon snack for the kids and then prepping dinner and getting the kids ready for bed and then just finding some me time before the next day starts.....well, now that I am typing it all out, I certainly feel as if I do a lot more than just sit around being lazy!
I also want to give a quick shout out to everyone in the Mama's group who have been really supportive of me and for putting up with my depressive moments. I really am getting better, I promise!
On that note, I will say good bye to an unhealthy mama in 2015 and welcome in a healthy, social mama that is loving to workout in 2016.