Monday, April 4, 2016

Plexus Slim Challenge Day 15

Day 15: 4/4/16

Good Morning Stats

Good morning everyone! I am actually feeling really good today. I think it is because I am feeling so much less stress! Talking and blogging REALLY helped my stress level go down and I am almost done cleaning for now!!!

So I have some results going on for this week. I am down an inch on my waist and I have a small amount of weight loss. Seeing how stressed I was between both weeks, this is great.

Focusing on Feelings

Things I have noticed 3 weeks in, thanks to stress going down: More energy, sleeping much better, my body odor is less, my body is still flushing things out in a healthy way.

Yesterday and today I have actually worked out into a sweaty state and it feels wonderful and energetic. I noticed that my arms seem not as strong so I am going to start doing more resistance band work at home to get back to where I was. This is going to be happening!! I can focus myself vs spring cleaning and it is getting me excited! Now if only the kids would be positive and help me out,

What do you want to read?

I know a few people read my blogs out there and I want to know what you want to read about! Please comment or message me about what you want to read in my blogs. I want to report what people actually want to know since I am starting to just want to post that I drank my plexus, lol

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