Saturday, April 2, 2016

Plexus Slim Challenge Day 12

Day 12 4/1/16

Plexus Slim

Finished off the chocolate Almond milk that was in my fridge and turns out it was 16 oz. I find that I really don't care for the chocolate anymore so I went to the store and bought some unsweetened Vanilla again.

Things with me

I have been under a lot of stress lately. I feel like crud all the time and I haven't been sleeping well at all. I have declined back to a state of mood swings that remind me of my post partum depressant days. I am avoiding leaving the house unless I absolutely have to. I have missed out on three events that I normally look forward to but I can't stand the idea of being social with others. 

I am struggling to just breathe through it all. I am sick of worrying about little things. So the point of venting all this? I am thinking all of my stress and anger is blocking a clear judgement of any effects that the Plexus might be having for me. 

I have been following the 100 oz of water and I do feel nice drinking all the water. As for feeling more energetic? No, but that is because I am not sleeping properly thanks to all my stress. If I was not so stressed out and worried about everything then I am sure I would be feeling better and upbeat. 

I freaking HATE not working out and the only thing that is holding me back is myself. I could workout any time but I decide to just sit around and be angry at the world or have to constantly clean my apartment. 

I will try to get rid of my stress and then I will be posting more positive results. 

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