Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 79


Day 79: Personal Trainer Day

Question: Would you rather give up junk food or tv for the rest of your life?
Answer: Junk food! I am trying to be healthy anyways so that would be a great start.

My picture of the day is a play on this question, silly junk food!!

- Walk the track to warm up
- Head to the bleachers
- Pyramid of, starting with 45 seconds:
- Sprints
- Side Squats
- Push ups
- Box Jumps
- Inner thigh band work:
- one person does 30 each leg
- one person runs up and down bleachers
- Walk over to the grassy area, but we stayed on the track and out of the way
- Get out bands for Old Mac Donald
- Get out yoga mats
- Attach bands to feet for flutter kicks
- Star Fish legs with the bands
- Stretch it all out, pack up and head home

Today was a very interesting day! I was the only one in the class so it was like Coral was my personal trainer for the day.

I had a bunch of fun and while it did feel weird at first because it was only the two of us, I was actually able to pull off more workouts and put myself into it vs just kinda skating by since there are more of us.

I did more running and jumping today than I normally would and I was feeling so sweaty when I was completely done. I am sore and happy!

Those star fish legs really helped stretch out muscles I don't normally stretch out and I think it helped my legs feel better after all the bleacher work.

The push ups really made me feel old since I was creaking and popping so much but I got into it and it became easier.

Overall, today was an interesting experience and I was really happy that Coral did not cancel class! I really enjoyed the workout today. I am slowly getting into the jumping activities but I just need much better support for the boobs! I am finding that if I just hold them close to me then I can actually do jumping jacks and other such things. I just really don't want to have to wear 3 different bras for support!

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