Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 75


Day 75: Pushing through the fog

- Warm up
- Follow the leader to the bench on the path
- Wheels on the bus
- Rotations of:
- Push ups
- Side step ups
- Hammer curls
- Power walk to the baseball field
- Attach bands chest height
- Pyramid of: 
- Fly outs 
- Chest press
- Mama Bear
- Get out Yoga Mats
- Dice Game:
- Jumping jacks
- Reverse lunges
- Mountain climbers
- Push ups
- Ab work pyramid:
- Star fish crunches
- Scissor kicks
- Stretch it out, Pack up then head to story time

My brain is so tired. Between the bleh mood, being constantly busy and tired all day, I am finding myself drained by the time I get to these posts. I am slowly getting back to my happy self, it is just taking a bit more work than I thought it would. One day at a time. One work out at a time.

I don't mention my bad moods because I want pity hugs or thoughts, I want people out there to know that we all have bad days, weeks or even months but as long as we keep moving and going, we are good! I am slowly learning about my body and that breaks are important when it comes to working out. I don't need to be at every class, missing one or two is just fine. It won't end the world.

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