Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 71


Day 71: Pyramids and Rotations

1) Warm ups

2) Jog / Follow the leader to the baseball field

3) Attach bands finger tip height to the outside of the fence

4) Pyramid of:
- Arm Extensions
- Curtsy Squats

5) Twinkle Twinkle with Jumping Jacks

6) Gather up your bands

7) Follow the leader to the bench

8) Three stations of 2x:
- Push ups
- Chair dips
- Arm reaches (like we do in the Dinah song)

9) Red Light, Green Light to the bathroom area

10) Side shuffle / Grape Vine on the path before the bathroom

11) Wall Sit

12) Head to the picnic tables

13) Sets of:
- Step on band, have one foot resting on the bench, squat, curl arm, raise arm (Don't know the name of these but they were the very first time we had done them)
- Step Ups

14) Head to the grassy area by the bathroom

15) Get out yoga mats

16) Sets of 100's:
- Flutter / scissor kicks
- Reverse sit up

17) Stretch it out

18) Pack up and head to story time

Today was much better than yesterday! I was on time and in a good mood. I really enjoyed the new moves we did today and was glad that everyone needed a bit of explaining so I didn't feel like the dork of the group, lol

Looking back over the workouts, it is crazy to see how much we do in an hour!! It seems that as we progress more in class, the more we add to our routines. That is cool with me. I love how Coral has us learning at least one or two new moves a week.

My body is getting stronger in so many ways but I have been noticing that I have gotten weaker in some aspects. I do worry that because I don't really push myself on running activities that I am loosing all that I had built up.

That freaking squat challenge has killed squats for me. I notice that I struggle a little when trying to make sure that I get into the right position and that I tend to become stuck more often than not. I am going to have to just practice on off days and maybe even start up my Yoga and Pilates again.

Trying to get my breathing under control has become a thing for me. I feel like my lungs are just not all the way there and I am struggling to regain my breath faster. I would love to sing and workout but I am content with just breathing and moving, lol!!!

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