Day 87: Everything day
Question: What is the meaning behind your first name?
Answer: I have to ask my mom about this one because I can't remember what she told me.
Warm ups
- Circle the white line:
- Side shuffles
- Skip
- Grape Vines
- Butt Kickers
- Butt Kickers
-Grab your bands, divide into groups:
- Barre bar = arm extensions and fly outs
- Across the room = Dinah arm extensions
- Circle up: Wheels on the bus
- Get out yoga mat
- Dice game:
- Jumping jacks
- Mountain climbers
- Plank jacks
- Squat jacks
-3 stations:
- Towel slide
- 100's
- Spiderman climbers
- Stretch it out, pack up and go home
Today our class was pretty big! We had a couple new faces this week and it was nice to have more people joining our group. Switching it up on the blog today, I am going to list a few things I am happy with:
1) I did normal jumping jacks, not low impact
2) I stuck with the red band all day
3) I only really had to pause when my arms felt like they were going to fall off and my breathing was getting in the way of completing an exercise
4) I only rolled one 6 in the dice game
Overall, today was successful and I am kinda sad we are finished until Monday.
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