Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 52


Day 52: Work Out / Day 25: Squat Challenge (175)

Today was just bad. I am still waiting for it to get better but it just keeps getting worse.

Favorite Disney movie or one you like: I will keep it simple and go with Mulan and The Emperor's New Groove. I am going with 2 movies, rebel that I am.

1) Warm up
2) Head to the bench next to our warm up area
3) Calf Pulses, 3 rounds
4) Head to the baseball field
5) Mama Bear, 2 rounds
6) Get your bands out, attach finger tip height
7) Tricep Extensions, 2 rounds
8) Remove bands
9) Old Mac Donald for the outer thighs
10) Head to the sidewalk trail
11) Grape vines to the benches
12) Pyramid of push ups and side stair steps, 7 was the starting
13) Head to cool down area
14) Butterfly kicks with the resistance bands on our legs
15) Cool down with Janet's stretches
16) Pack up and go home

Squat Challenge
7 of each, 5x = 175

Narrow Squat
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift
Sumo Squat

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 51


Day 51: Work Out / Day 24: Squat Challenge (Rest Day)

Today was Trail Day!!! I totally took it easy on some of the things and I just flat out skipped on the 1/2 mile. I am still sore from yesterday's Squats and Lunges. My poor butt and thighs are totally feeling everything. My times and amounts will be awesome in September though, lol

Question of the day: What makes you keep coming to class? For me, I love seeing my new friends and their children, Getting outside my house for a little in a productive way, and I am seeing results on my body and mind with this class. I really love that I can actually do all of these activities and every day I am improving. So I continue to come to class, good days and bad so I can keep going on my healthy lifestyle.

As I did before, last month's numbers are 1st, today is 2nd

1) Quick Warm Ups (I was hoping that the warm ups would help loosen my muscles in my butt and thighs and they did a little but the pain was still there)

2) Overhead Press: 30 / 20 (My arms seemed a little tense on these today, I am not sure if it was just the red band being tough or it was actually just my arms)

3) Arm Curls: 40 / 30 (Much easier than the overhead but I took it easy since I didn't want to over do it)

4) 1/2 Mile Run: 6 min 45 Sec / X (I stayed behind with the babies and was in charge of the timer! Coral was able to run and jeeze, she is so freaking fast! Everyone had really good times today on the run though, no one over 7 minutes!)

5) Wall Sit till you drop: 1 min / 1 min 42 sec (I started out feeling okay then my legs started in with the pain and I just wanted to get as close to 2 minutes as I could. I am happy that I did gain a bit here)

6) Chair Dips: 30 / 30 (Lol, same numbers here, I was okay with keeping it even, my wrists were starting to feel it.)

7) Step Ups: 8/10 (I had Coral show my before we started the correct way to do these since I ALWAYS seem to mess them up. I must have watched really well since I improved by 2!)

8) Mountain Climbers: 20 / 30 (I wasn't trying to go higher than my previous number but I did! I think I will have to actually start doing these when they come up instead of the low impact version since I can OBVIOUSLY do these, lol)

9) Push Ups: 15 / 20 (I started out on my knees then I raised up to no knees, I am getting to the point where I can handle it. It certainly shows with my numbers going up, lol)

10) Plank till you drop: 1 min / 1 min (My poor wrists were just not having my back today. I kept equal time, so I can be happy about that but I am going to really need to look into strengthening my flimsy wrists.)

11) Fire Hydrants: 30 / 35 (These actually felt good on my sore butt and thighs, I was able to bust them out no problem)

12) Donkey Kicks: 30 / 40 (I think I might have to do a 30 day challenge with Lunges, Fire Hydrants and these so I will be getting back my bubble butt!! These are a great way to get there!)

13) Downward Dog until you drop: 2 min 30 sec / 2 mins (My times with these seem to be getting shorter every class, I am not sure what is holding me back on these but I am going to be focusing on going the distance with being able to actually hold the whole time during our normal classes)

14) Stretch it out, pack up, go home

So today was good, I was able to stretch, bend and flex and all that other good stuff. I do not feel bad at all for not running since I did everything else, I am pretty bummed about my wall sit time since I was hoping that because I didn't run, I could make it longer but I think since I did so awesome yesterday and I am still feeling it, I have a good reason to not have such a big number today.

I am beyond happy that it is a rest day for those squat. 30 days is tough, I am really happy that I am sticking with it though! I haven't heard from anyone else about who is doing this challenge still, is there anyone besides Coral and I still doing it?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 50


Day 50: Work Out / Day 23: Squat Challenge (160) 8 reps x4

Happy 50th day of working out to me!! I can't believe it has already been 50 days!
Today started off with an adventure. My husband forgot a few things at home so I made a quick stop to his work before heading off to class.
In class, Coral made sure to focus mainly on Cardio because tomorrow is TRIAL DAY!!! And she made sure to specify, she was not taking it easy on us, she was just trying to avoid what we will be doing tomorrow.
And to honor the question of the day, I found a great meme that went with my loss of eye sight answer
1) Warm up
2) Head to the bridge (I made sure to wait at the start of the bridge for people because I didn't want to miss out on an activity, lol)
3) Toe Taps - Three 20 second rounds (I was so in the zone for these, I thought that we had only done 2 when we had done all 3)
4) Follow the leader to the softball field (I stayed caught up today! Not too out of breath)
5) Base rotations 2x: (For this rotation, I made sure to actually push myself a little bit. I really want to step it up and stop coasting though on certain activities. I am not pushing so hard I am DYING but I am going so I actually feel like I worked out. I tried to only take a break if I actually needed it, not just because everyone else is doing it and it worked out great!)
-Skip, walk, skip, walk (I kinda skipped but it was hurting my legs to skip so I just did a lifted leg walk)
-Walk, Sprint, Walk, Sprint (This one I could do and I made sure to hold my boobs so I wasn't getting them all over the place, rofl)
-Run, Side Shuffle, Run, Side Shuffle (My feet have no idea what they are doing when I try to shuffle sideways but it's okay, I got them done and didn't trip over my own feet)
-Lunge, Grape vines, Lunge, Grape Vines (For some reason the grape vines are easiest to do for my feet. The lunges made my freaking legs feel like noodles but I pushed past it and took as little breaks as possible)
6) Quick pace walk to the bridge, to the grassy area by the trail (Once again, I made sure to stay with the group to make sure I didn't miss anything and I made sure to regulate my breathing from the last exercise)
7) Circle the strollers with babies facing outwards
8) 5 Little Monkey's (Dang, I was not looking forward to all those stinking monkey's but I did all five, skipping out on a few planks though)
9) Head over to our Cool down area and get out yoga mats
10) Coal led us through some stretching out yoga moves (There was a lot of bending and flexing and cool stuff like that. I could break it all down but meh, we get the point, lol)
11) Janet led us through some cool down stretching moves (I love these! I really need to start my morning off by doing a set of these everyday since my legs always need the most stretching. I just have to talk myself into getting but before 8 am so I have time to do them before class, lol, she also tossed in a great chest stretching / opening move that everyone should be doing!)
12) Pack up and roll out
I felt so relaxed at the end of class thanks to all the cool down and stretching, I just wanted to take a nice nap. Instead I came home, went to the store for food, did a bunch of dishes, made food and then FINALLY ate. Horrible today and now my legs are all irritated at me again but I have no plans tonight so I can just relax until I do my Squats.
Squat Challenge 
8 reps x 4 = 160

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

I did these squats all in a row with maybe a couple minutes between each set. I ment to just do one set and stagger it all out between a couple hours but I got going and just did them all. I am feeling actually okay. I am a little wobbly but I think I was feeling worse after doing the lunges. I think these things are actually working on building up my body strength! Yay!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 49


Day 49: Work Out / Day 22: Squat Challenge (80)

Good afternoon everyone! Once again it is Monday and back to class! I have been slacking on those squats and I missed two days. I am going to be doing my best to get them done my day done today and I will try to just make up those days that I missed later. I will just extend the challenge to 32 days!

And today's picture is to help celebrate Fall since Coral asked us about it, rofl!!!

1) Warm ups (I was a rebel today and did things other than squats, with it being a big number day, I am not gonna do too many squats in the class, lol)

2) Quick walk to the peapod fence

3) Attach arm bands chest height

4) Rotations of: Calf tip toe thingie and Archer Pose (Lol, I really need to learn the name of that one. We did it last monday so I should kinda know it by now. These are pretty fun and I like my calves getting a workout with my arms)

5) Quick Feet and High Knees in between rotations (I can't wait to freaking get a workout bra! Day 49, why the heck do I not have one already. Oi.)

6) Remove the bands and walk to the tennis fence

7) Attach the bands chest height

8) Rotations of Kettle bell squats and Arm Curls (I really hate when I lose count when I do these kinda of things, lol, luckily I don't think I did too many extras. The kettles are always fun and my arms were feeling the burn after the curls!)

9) Pack up the bands, Follow the Leader to the Baseball field (I fell behind on these. Not too much but I was so ready to just fast walk, lol)

10) 5 rounds of Apple Tree (I did reverse lunges in replace of the squats in this song today and I liked the stretchy feeling of my legs vs just doing squats)

11) 3 stations of: Hammer Curls, Overhead Press, Bending the elbow thingies (My arm continued to pop for those elbow things and my freaking under wire bra continued to poke at my arms as I was moving them in that triangle position. I enjoyed doing all of these activities though!)

12) Attach bands to the fence Chest Height

13) Curtsy Squats (So Coral busts out with this song that I don't even remember now and EVERYONE else in the group knew it. Did I? Heck no, lol, I was all confused about what was happening so I just focused on my squats and I just let everyone else sing. Man, it was one of those moments where I felt like I was being left behind but I was awesome at my squats, yay!)

14) Pack up the bands and head to the grassy area

15) Get out mats and do ABC hip, leg lifts (Not too bad, Lilly decided to say hello and sit all over me and what not)

16) Do counted leg lifts and lowers (Dude. These sucked. I  was all over the place with my legs. Going down when I needed to be going up and being sat upon by Lilly and only did about half but I really felt it in my legs and core muscles!)

17) Stretch it all out, pack up and roll out

Today was killer on the arms! I am feeling okay right now but I am sure as the day wears on, they will be letting me know what is up.

Tonight is also Mom's Night Out and I am looking forward to getting in a swim tonight without having the kids around, lol, I hope that my lower half will be okay after all the squats that I have to do but at least the water will feel great!

Squat Challenge Set Up

Narrow Squat 

Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Day 19: 7 reps 4x (140) I skipped this day but I will make it up later.

Day 20: Rest Day

Day 21: 10 reps 3x (150) I skipped this day but I will make it up later.

Day 22: 8 reps 2x (80) Today

I have yet to do this today but I will get to it. I will make sure to take it slow and steady and not push myself too hard! Having a bunch of rest days was nice but I am really needing to get back into it!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 48


Day 48: Work Out / Day 18: Squat Challenge (75)

Today's picture is for those in our group who have been sick and not able to do as much lately! Don't feel bad or guilty for missing a class or 100. Worry about recovering and don't push yourself.

Another good day of working out, and I actually answered the daily question today. I think I had to much social energy and I wanted to talk a bit more than I should have so I made sure to keep a bunch of stuff to myself, lol, I am there to workout not talk everyone's ears off.

On a plus side, if you were there this morning and you remembered my story about Lilly and the lack of mom, I have a follow up! Husband came home from lunch and asked her where Mama was and she pointed right at me and not just my boobs, rofl

Now on to the workout:

1) Warm ups

2) Head to the bridge and lunge across (I was ahead of the group and missed half the bridge lunges but I still felt every one of these.)

3) Quick jog to the softball field (I managed to keep up and held a nice jog for quite a while before I had to stop and walk)

4) Partner up and each partner does 2 sets of:

-One person wall sits while the other: (wall sits were okay on the first round, I brought my ball with me to use)

-High knee runs to the first base, (I felt bad for my partner since I am mostly slow when it comes to these kinda things but I sped it up on the second round)

-Do 5 jumping jacks at the base, normal or low impact (stuck with the low impact)

-Butt kicks back to the partner (My shins were none too pleased but I stuck it through and got me a good leg workout today)

5) Another partner workout: (My partner was a little sick today so we just took it slow and I was totally cool with that. We did a light jog to the bases and instead of jumping high fives we stood in place and I did stuff with my legs. Like a bend at the knee behind me kick or a calf pulse or what have you. The other group even tried to slow down to see if we could catch up and we still didn't manage it so we all got out of the push ups, lol)

-Run to each base and do a number of Jumping High 5's 
-If the other team catches up to you, they have to do push ups

6) Circle all the strollers around the pitchers mound

7) Hokey Pokey:
(This was a fun one today and not as much dust in my face! I saw Janet look over at me when Coral told us we could go as far back as we wanted and as a joke, I stood right in front of my stroller so I had to only move like 1 step, lol, I did go a good feet back so I could get a jog in during our song.)

Each verse had a different workout and Coral let us choose how far or how close we wanted to be to the strollers

You put your right hand in: Run to the strollers
You put your right hand out: Backpedal to the starting spot
You put your right hand in: Run to the strollers
And you shake it all about: Run in place

You do the hokey pokey: Pivot around 
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.: Lateral Lunges, one each leg

- left & right hand
- left & right foot
- head
- whole self

8) Get out our bands for Tricep Extensions (Not too bad, got some arm stretches done)

9) Head back to the bridge (I made sure to ask about our next step so I didn't miss out on an activity on the bridge again. Found out we were doing some taps, lol)

10) Toe Taps: 20 seconds tapping, 10 second breaks 2x (I like when we take breaks and have shorter spans for these since I feel I can dig deeper for these)

11) Head down to a new cool down area, get out our mats (Seriously, the stupid gophers make it hard to find nice and even ground to lay down on)

12) Complete a 7 minute pilates routine (I decided to skip out on most of these at the park because the ground was stupid. I made up for it at home on a surface that my back could handle.)

13) Stretch out, pack up and head out (Everyone must have had some exciting plans to get to because everyone was out of there pretty fast today!)

Now for the Squats! Thank goodness today is a small number. Yesterday was a big one and I felt like a noodle afterwards! I wobbled here and there and just wanted to lay down and recover. No pain, thankfully, but I was totally feeling everything. Hopefully I won't be as dead after these.

Squat Challenge (75) 5 reps of each x3

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 47


Day 47: Work Out / Day 17: Squat Challenge (135)

This morning was great! My knee felt better after I gave it some rest yesterday and I had my mom watch my Son for me. I was able to actually give 100% to the class and I went home sweaty and in a good mood! Yay! I am totally having my mom watch my Son tomorrow as well, lol, I am so ready to end the week with a bang.

Question of the day: I never gave my answer by the end of the class even though I had it ready, everyone was all distracted and every where and I figured if they really wanted to know, they can read my post, lol, Question was: If you could choose any animal to be reincarnated into, what would it be? I choose Leopard Seal! They are kick ass and cute too boot!

1) Warm ups (So finding a spot in this park with only a small amount of Gopher holes is getting crazy. Those are some bold little suckers and they are EVERYWHERE!)

2) Follow the leader to the baseball field (I ran for these and kept up, success!)

3) Mama Mama Bear Song:
- Pivot around or do the jump thingie that Coral knows the name to but not me, (I stuck with the plan pivot and that was good, lol)

- Walking Out Plank, (The planks were good today, I felt it in my core and I did it on the wet grass! I am getting over my need to have my yoga mat out)

- Low impact or Normal Jumping Jacks (I stuck with the low impact jacks but really dug into them, since I wanted to actually get my groove going today. I may be doing low impact but that can still be a good workout)

- Run to the Baseball Field or Run in place (I was so happy to have that running in place option today! I can totally do that! I even made sure to do a mix of fast and regular speeds. I brought a little high knee kicks into it as well, lol)

4) Set up the bands low for leg work: Itsy Bitsy Spider (I love leg work! I was a pro today and stuck with the red band and I made sure to actually position myself so I was feeling it in my thighs, not my feet or knees)

5) Partner up for Band Jacks: One person holds the band and the other does Jumping Jacks- Low impact or normal (We did the green bands for these and I was 100% okay with that. There is a lot of movement with these!! So I am not sure if I lucked out or not since I was partnered up with Coral and she is all amazing and everything, rofl, She took her turn first and I was happy to just be able to hold the band in place, that was a great arm workout.)

6) Back to the bands on the fence for the leg work with our other leg (Followed the same body positioning that I had and my thighs were happy and feeling it)

7) Go back to your partner and do another round of the Partner Jacks (I almost wanted to claim that my foot was stuck in the band after the leg work since it was my turn to do the jacks, lol, but I sucked it up and did my Low Impact Jacks and I did good! No falling over or embarrassing myself today!)

8) Gather everything up and power walk to the bench on the trail (Power walking is easier to do for me vs running or jogging and I still get that kinda out of breath and lightly sweating feel when I do it.)

9) Rotation sets 2x of:
- Fly outs with the bands, (Coral set out the green bands to use but I grabbed my own red one and did it that way, so much better to me, with the green, I have to bend a lot and that is just weird to me, lol)

- Push ups (I rocked this today, My wrists didn't bother me as much as they normally do)

- Chair Dips (Not sure what was up with these today, my wrists were not happy at all. I did get the chance to stretch out my legs with these when I took a small break to recover my wrists, so plus to me!)

10) Quick stride walking back to the grassy area  (I made sure to follow Coral's advice and kept my strides large and my hips were involved)

11) Get out our yoga mats for some Tummy Work

12) 2 Rotations of If You are Happy and You Know It:
- Bring knees up, slap knees (I really wanted to push myself on the tummy work today because I always kinda flake out and just meh on it. Not today! I was making sure to keep my core tight and I was feeling the work out!)

- Russian Twists, (I kept up with that tight core and made sure to engage my tummy muscles and I was getting that sweaty feeling again)

- Bicycles, (These are the easiest of the whole set, I can do these for days)

- Stretch up your legs to the sky and touch your toes (Holy moly, on the first round, my legs were tight! I think they were much better on the second round)

13) Cool down with bending and stretching (We did downward dog, some other folding and pretzel stuff and neck rolling, lol, I was feeling a glow right about this time. I pushed myself in a great way and I wasn't feeling like I was dying but I was so happy!)

14) Pack it up and head home

I wanted to give a quick shout out to Coral for being able to lift her arms up so much! I know I made a joke about it during class but dang, it is so impressive! I think I found another goal for myself!

Every day is getting jam packed with a bunch of activities! I am so happy that I have made it as far as I have and I am able to branch out and try a regular way of doing a move or keep on trucking with my low impact (my boobs thank me for that, lol)

I had so much to say today, but I figure I had built up from yesterday since I was so quiet in that post. And now for the squat challenge. Jesus! I did the math and just started at the screen with a huge sigh. Today is a big number day!

Squat Challenge (135) 9 reps of each x3

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Since we are on day 17 / 30, I am so happy that we are at last half way over and closer to our goal! I just keep reminding myself, one freaking day at a time!! I space these squats out over a 30 minute or more time period. I make sure to watch my body posture and I focus on not hurting myself. I am going to be so sore tomorrow but it will all be worth it!!

I wanted to add a big thank you to all my readers, I love that I have people reading my posts! I sometimes forget that people actually read some of it and not just look at the pictures, lol, I got so used to doing these posts for myself that I am thrown off when random people comment with support and kind things to say. So thank you all and I will make sure to keep up my daily posts on facebook and my blog here!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 46


Day 46: Work Out / Day 15: Squat Challenge (Rest Day)

This morning started out great then spiraled down real fast. I had a whole big negative post written out then deleted it because no one wants to be reading that :(

We will just sum it up with I had a bad day today and I am waiting for it to get better. I am going to try to keep my post as positive as possible today.

1) Warm ups 

2) Head toward the pea pod fence

3) Attach bands chest height 

4) Do a new move: Lunge forward, pulling your arms back, legs together and arms forward.

5) High Knees for 20 Seconds

6) Lunge to our starting point on the college track

7) Run / Walk for 8 minutes

8) Head back to the park 

9) 3 station rotations 2x: 1) Jumping Jacks, 2) Jumping Jacks with arms straight up, 3) Low impact Jacks, 4) Plank Jacks, 5) Skater hop and 6) ?

10) Head to the bench closest to us for a Pyramid Set of Step ups: Side, front / box jump, other side

11) Head to our cool down yoga area

12) One round of Apple Tree but instead of Squatting we did reverse lunges

13) Toss in some yoga moves

14) Cool down, pack up and go home

So I just posted the workouts and just left out my thoughts. Too many negative things going on in my head right now. I think that tomorrow will be a much better day.

Just to clarify, the class was fun today and we did switch it up with some new fun moves but my mind was just not with it today. I had to miss a couple of these activities due to my Son being a jerk and I just couldn't focus on anything after that.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 45


Day 13: Squat Challenge (105 total)
7 reps each repeat 3x
Narrow Squat 

Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Between walking around at the fair, going on that hike on Friday and not really taking a break to just sit around, my legs are really feeling everything lately!
I took my time with these ones and was so glad. I am feeling like jello and I still have a bunch of stuff to do today.
Coral posted in our Mountain Mamas group that we are not supposed to worry about the number but concentrate on our forms. Do not skip ahead in days either.
Are any of my friends still doing this challenge? What day or number are you on?


Day 14: Squat Challenge (60 total)
6 reps each repeat 2x
Narrow Squat 

Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

So tired from today but I did them! Thank goodness it was a small number tonight. I am going to go crash and sleep until class in the morning.


Day 45: Work Out / Day 15: Squat Challenge (125)

I did not want to get up this morning, My gosh! I was so tempted to just sleep in and just relax all day! But I knew I would be mad at myself for not working out. If I missed today, heck, I should just miss tomorrow too and so on and so forth, lol, it is so easy to stop working out and just relax in my pj's and let the kids just sleep in.

I was late today but I still made it! I will attempt to remember everything I did but I am sure there will be errors and whatnot, lol

1) Catch up with the group by the baseball field (My eyes were still glazed from being so exhausted but I was starting to wake up...a little)

2) Attach bands chest height (Phht, I totally did finger tip and was wondering why my next few moves were NOT making sense to me, Good thing Coral is on top of these things!)

3) Pull your arms out to your sides, wide and downward facing and lift up onto your tip toes (I am sure that these have a fancy name but I do not remember hearing it. I actually liked these. Coral said it was a new move and I liked the feeling in my legs that it gave me)

4) Jog out to the dirt (I kinda stumbled along, zombie style)

5) Do some push ups (I am sure Coral said a number but I just went until everyone was all done.)

6) Jog back to the fence (Still a zombie)

7) Do a few Archer Poses with the resistance bands (Another new move, I am bummed that I was late today and I was not all the way there. I LOVE learning and trying out new moves and with 2 new additions, I was pretty excited!)

8) Jog back to the dirt (I might be adding too many jogs, lol)

9) Do a few Low Impact Jacks or if you are amazing like Coral, High Jump Jacks. (Rofl, one day I will do all the amazing tricks and jumps that our wonderful instructor can do but for now, my boobs and I will stick with low impact.)

10) Jog back to the grass and Circle the strollers

11) 5 Little Monkey's - Side squat shuffles, followed by hold plank or do burpees  (Dang, I did it, felt like I just wanted to pass out on the grass and call it a morning but I did it and didn't hold anyone back. I did collapse after one of my planks in the wet grass and I didn't care. If you know me, that should tell you how tired I was today, lol)

12) Gather everything and head to the sidewalk

13) Stroller shuffles to the benches (My feet were just not working with me for these side shuffles so I just turned them into grape vine shuffles and I ended up being fast, like a pro, rofl)

14) Pyramid of 8 Push ups and Table planks, last push up - Tricep Push up (Dang wrists, I chose the wrong height for my table and my poor wrists were mad at me but I changed tables and I really hope that I didn't sound as awful as I am thinking I sounded when I replied to Coral about the tables. I feel awful about that now. Freaking snarky comments come out when I am tired!)

15) Downward dog and open thigh stretches (I should most likely change that thigh phrasing but it is cracking me up so I will just leave it)

16) Move to the Grassy area and get out our yoga mats 

17) Lay on our stomachs, proceed with Superman swimming (I took it slow thanks to my lack of coordination and I didn't look like I was drowning! Yay!)

18) Stretch that out with a Cobra pose (My back wasn't wanting to go as high as it normally does and I could totally tell that I was not doing enough stretching during my 3 days off. Sure I was walking but not enough stretching.)

19) Lay on your side and do 25 inner leg thingies (My legs were tense and really liked these today. I will get better at moving my inside leg. Practice makes perfect!)

20) Put your legs straight out and do 25 outer leg thingies (These are a great way to workout the fair legs and your hips.)

21) Flip sides and repeat #'s 15 and 16 with the other legs 

22) Boat pose (I didn't manage to engage my core as much as I wanted with these, Thank you, Lilly, but I still got it done!)

23) Stretch it all out, pack up and go home (Oh jeeze, I was so ready to go home and just pass out but now the kids were all awake and I still had to make lunch for the hubs.)

Holy dang, It did not feel like I did that this morning and I was late! Happy Monday, workout group, rofl, I really feel proud of myself for making it today.

I know I was late and kinda lack luster to start off with but I love the fresh air and getting my body moving. I really needed it after all that fair junk I ate. Thank goodness I am past that temptation for this year, lol, I took my nap and it really helped. But now for the squat challenge.....

Day 15: 5 of each, 5x for 125

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Jeeeeze!!! I was so thankful last night that we only had to do 60 and I had to pause and laugh. Being relieved at only 60 squats?! Where the heck is fat and lazy Amanda?! I hope that I can toss that crazy bitch in the past and look forward to a much happier and healthier Amanda as we progress with these challenges and workouts.

I decided to take these really slow today and spaced them out between breaks and making a wonderful home cooked meal with no grease dripping every where or a million calories. I didn't really feel the need to rush through it all and risk hurting myself. I just wanted to be able to say, hey I did 125, baby!! I can do so and now I can just move on with my evening, lol

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 44

August 13th, 2015

Day 44: Work Out / Day 11: Squat Challenge (100)

I was actually early to class today thanks to the kids being great for me. I think my Son was very excited about the fair so he was all ready and eager to start the day. I actually answered the question of the day today AT the group, lol, I felt happy about actually having an answer and not over thinking it.

1) Warm Ups (I think my arms are relieved to be given a bit of a break on the warm ups since we are doing a bit more leg workouts)

2) Speed walk to the bathroom enclosure for wall sits (Longest wall sits ever, we used our resistance bands around our legs instead of a ball between the thighs. It worked just as well for me. I think I got a little stuck in the position but I did it for the whole time with no breaks!)

3) Head over to the grass for a bit more posture work with Janet​ (Ankle circles, leg stretches, cat / cows or whatever animal it is, lol, it was a nice stretch and tone to get ready for Zumba!)

4) Get set up for Zumba - class demo included warm up, dances and cool down (I was a lot nervous about this class because I am not so coordinated and dancing requires a little bit of that. However, I did perfect and had a blast! I am not sure if I would go to a class full time but it is fun every once in a while. I ended up in a light full body sweat and felt like I had a good cardio workout.)

5) Pack up and go home (Big plans for the fair today, so excited to take the kids!)

Squat Challenge (100 total) 5 reps each repeat 4x

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Done at home since class was focused on Zumba today, today was a big number and thanks to Coral's tips on the mountain mama's page, they weren't too bad.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 43

August 12th

Day 43: Work Out / Day 10: Squat Challenge (90 total)

For the past two days I have been extremely tired. Not sure if I am just going to bed too late at night or what but I have been taking some hard core naps. Whatever it is, I was yawning towards the end of class and that never happens to me. Really? Working out gives me an energy boost but today was odd.

I never gave an answer to the question today but I have been thinking about it all day and I would have to say Scuba diving is the lesser of the two evils for me, lol, and now for the workout!

1) Warm ups (Freaking question of the day threw me again but at least I have an answer in my post, lol)

2) Head to the college trail for a two minute run (Quick walk for me. I am so over the running but am so happy for the mom's that are doing it!)

3) Head back to a grassy area for a new song set containing: Jumping turns, low impact jacks, one crawling plank and a quick run to the chain link fence and back, 3 rounds? (Cute new song and a new routine! I am proud to admit that I got my hands dirty and wet on the grass vs busting out my yoga mat. I can't remember if we officially did the song 2 or 3 times, hence the question mark)

4) Speed walk to the baseball field (I hustled but did not run, quick walking was perfect)

5) Get out our bands and attach them finger tip height (Going for the red today! I am loving the pull of the red)

6) Tricep extensions (Working those arms and feeling good)

7) Plank hold or plank jacks (Cold, wet grass and once again no yoga mat for me! I was slowly slipping but my posture was great and I didn't fall!)

8) Tricep extensions with other leg forward

9) Move bands to chest height 

10) Arm extensions / curls? (Dropped the ball on the correct title again. Seriously? Day 43 and I still don't have these down? lol, my brain is silly)

11) Remove bands and head to the picnic tables

12) 5 rotations of 5 each: chair dips, push ups, mountain climbers and 3 breaths of downward dog pose (I actually changed tables, did all of the sets correctly and finished in a timely manner!)

13) Head to the grassy area to get out our yoga mats

14) 4 minute ab workout: Push up plank thingie, rest, Star fish crunch, rest, Spider man climbers, rest, wind shield wipers, rest. Do this all 2 times. (Coral said she was really feeling thee last time we did these and I felt like I must have been doing something wrong because while I did all the moves correctly, I was feeling normal. Maybe my core is just too fat?)

15) Stretch it out with different moves

16) Pack it all up and get ready for the story time play date!!

Things went well today. I didn't realize how much we had actually done until I just typed it out, lol, maybe that is why I have been more tired as of late? Actually working hard and using my red bands for the win!!

I am going to have to focus on doing something for me other than all the running. I am feeling kinda mixed on not doing it anymore. I love seeing how fast all the other mama's are and I totally used to want that for myself but I am just content with quick walking and awesome cardio workouts.

The squat challenge was done at home today and I didn't bother with a video. Just looked at the squat picture and did my reps.

Squat Challenge (60 total) 6 reps each repeat 2x 

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 42

August 11, 2015

Day 42: Work Out / Day 9: Squat Challenge (90 total)

Good evening all, I am doing this post REALLY late tonight, lol, I did make it to class this morning. On time and everything! As for the picture today, I wanted funny vs another motivational one.

1) Warm ups (I made it on time and had no answer for the question of the day. I have no favorite stone / mineral/ stuff, lol, I did really enjoy the switch up in routines for our warm ups though.)

2) Head to the bridge

3) Toe Taps - 4 sets of 20 seconds each (I think the breaks between the sets allow me to just go at a lower level then really push it for the last set. I don't feel so out of breath when we do it in smaller groups)

4) Jog at your own pace to the fence by the softball field (Man, after all this stuff that has been going on with my shins, I just sped walked it there and called it good. No way was I going to push it with jogging / running)

5) Wall Sits with rounds of Where is Thumbkin: (This part was pretty intensive. Going from wall sits to different moves in between was a great workout. I am digging my ball when we do the wall sits since it makes me focus on my body posture)

Where is Thumbkin? (Wall sit until Run away)
Where is Thumbkin? 
Here I am!
Here I am!

How are you today, sir?
Very well, I thank you.
Run away. (Run to the grass and do push ups, jog back)
Run away.
(Add 10 more seconds to the Wall Sits then proceed with the activity listed after Run Away)

Where is Pointer? (Wall Sits until Run Away)
Where is Pointer?
Here I am!
Here I am!

How are you today, sir?
Very well, I thank you.
Run away.  (Jog to the grass, do reverse lunges, jog back)
Run away.
(Add 10 more seconds to the Wall Sits then proceed with the activity listed after Run Away)

Where is Middleman? (Wall Sit until Run Away)
Where is Middleman?
Here I am!
Here I am!

How are you today, sir?
Very well, I thank you.
Run away.  (Skip to the grass and back)
Run away.
(Add 10 more seconds to the Wall Sits then proceed with the activity listed after Run Away)

Where is Ringman? (Wall Sit until Run Away)
Where is Ringman?
Here I am!
Here I am!

How are you today, sir?
Very well, I thank you.
Run away. (Grape Vines to the grass and back)  
Run away.
(Add 10 more seconds to the Wall Sits then proceed with the activity listed after Run Away)

Where is Pinkie? (Wall Sit until Run Away)
Where is Pinkie?
Here I am!
Here I am!

How are you today, sir?
Very well, I thank you.
Run away.  (Run all the bases)
Run away. 
(Add 10 more seconds to the Wall Sits then proceed with the activity listed after Run Away)

(I posted out the whole song so you readers could get an actual image of how long we are doing these activities for, lol, I screwed up with those skips by actually attempting to do them and my left shin was mad at me for a bit so I decided to just take it down a notch. I took a water break while everyone else was running the bases. I didn't feel like I missed out on anything.)

6) Squat Challenge: (While we are still all noodle leg and recovering from the previous workout, the class was small enough today that Coral let us do the entire challenge with her watching our body posture and positioning. We should be feeling the squats in our BUTTS and not our THIGHS because it could lead to back and knee pain if we are doing these wrong. Seriously though, I was super extra careful today because she was watching like a hawk! I lost count a few times so I think that I did more than 90 but at least I got them all done and with correct motions!)

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Total of 9 reps, repeat 2x = 90 Squats

7) Head back over the bridge, jog / run at your own pace to the picnic benches (Oi, another running thing. Whine, complain, lol, I lived and my shins were okay. I walked most of it and took a small short cut straight to the benches)

8) Walk to the grassy area to put our yoga mats down

9) (There was supposed to another activity here but I seriously can't remember what Coral had us do! All I can remember is Janet taking us through the next steps)

10) Janet​ took a bit of time to walk us through some body posture education (As unexpected as this was for Janet, I think she gave us some great advice on posture and led us through a few really nice stretches! Ever since I have been pregnant and given birth to Lilly, my right side has been giving me so many issues and Janet had great tips for me!)

11) Pack up and go home

I think today was nice, I had a fantastic nap this afternoon and my mood was vastly improved! I really need to stop skipping my freaking naps. It makes me a moody, cranky bitch to be around. That being said, I just want to state that I am always going to be at this class unless an emergency happens or Coral cancels.

I have really bad days and some good days and this class helps me get outside and improves the amount of good ones. I know Coral told me it is okay to take a couple days off but that would just lead me down a dark path of being miserable and feeling guilty.

So I am going to promise to take my daily nap and show up to class and my weight loss journey shall continue!