Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 40


Day 40: Work Out / Day 4: Squat Challenge (Rest Day)

Today was a good workout day, the smoke was not so heavy in the morning. I decided to switch it up on myself and try out the red band for my arms and felt it really good. I think I have just gotten too used to the green bands so I was having to pull away from them further to get more resistance so red was the answer.

1) Warm ups (I was doing awesome and then we hit our warm up squats and I seriously felt these. I had to pause once in them today but I still did all 3 rounds of the song)

2) Head to the Pea Pod fence 

3) Get out the bands and attach them arms length apart for Fly outs and Curls (Using the red band on these made such a big difference. I really felt my muscles working and I loved it. I am most likely going to be so sore tomorrow but I am excited, lol)

4) Pack up and head to the college path

5) Calf stretch and pulse (These are always nice on my legs and my legs feel nice and stretched out afterwards)

6) Run for 6-10 minutes (I sped walked and spoke with Meagan the whole time since my shins have been giving me issues. I felt like I got a good workout here because Meagan is taller than me and has longer legs so I actually had to walk pretty fast, lol)

7) Head back to the park

8) Follow the Leader to the park benches (I decided to push it and do some jogging / running and quickly wished that I didn't. My shins were mad at me for a while after that.)

9) 5 rounds of 3 rotations: 5 Push ups, 5 Bench Dips, 5 Step Ups (I lost count on these but I think I did all 5? I know that on my last 2 rounds I was bumping up the numbers to 10 each because I lost count and I didn't want to miss out on anything. It was actually pretty smooth going and I did my step ups correctly!!! I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Nailed it!)

10) Head to the cool down area

11) Get out our yoga mats for a few plank rotations: side plank, regular plank, other side plank (Sigh, my torso / chest area makes me really hate these. Between my boobs and my stomach, it is so hard for me to actually support all of my weight on my one arm and leg so I just improvised a little and on the side planks, I just stretched out as long and as straight as I could so I was feeling the pull on both of my side muscles. I also felt it in my stomach. I think that was an okay exchange and once my stomach has shrunk down a bit I will be able to lift up off the ground and feel so awesome. But not today.)

12) Do a few Cat / Cows yoga moves (These are a great way to stretch out the tummy and back regions. I really felt it in my tummy and lower back. In a good way, of course)

13) Stretch it all out, cool down, pack up and roll out (Today was really nice after class, just being able to hang out after class and talk with the girls was a nice treat. I don't often get to have actual adult conversations being around my kids all the time, lol)

I am looking forward to this Sunday when we go on our hike and swim. Coral even suggested that we all do our squat challenge together at the swimming hole and I was all for that. Doing these squats by yourself with big numbers coming up is going to be interesting!

I also wanted to take a moment to point out that I have been working out for 40 days. In that time, I feel so much more energetic, my diet has changed for the better, I have a much more positive attitude about things (it will always need improvement but hell, one day at a time!) and I have made new friends! I am so excited to keep going with this class and I want others to experience these positive changes as well! All it takes is going to ONE class and you will be hooked!

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