Day 47: Work Out / Day 17: Squat Challenge (135)
This morning was great! My knee felt better after I gave it some rest yesterday and I had my mom watch my Son for me. I was able to actually give 100% to the class and I went home sweaty and in a good mood! Yay! I am totally having my mom watch my Son tomorrow as well, lol, I am so ready to end the week with a bang.
Question of the day: I never gave my answer by the end of the class even though I had it ready, everyone was all distracted and every where and I figured if they really wanted to know, they can read my post, lol, Question was: If you could choose any animal to be reincarnated into, what would it be? I choose Leopard Seal! They are kick ass and cute too boot!
1) Warm ups (So finding a spot in this park with only a small amount of Gopher holes is getting crazy. Those are some bold little suckers and they are EVERYWHERE!)
2) Follow the leader to the baseball field (I ran for these and kept up, success!)
3) Mama Mama Bear Song:
- Pivot around or do the jump thingie that Coral knows the name to but not me, (I stuck with the plan pivot and that was good, lol)
- Walking Out Plank, (The planks were good today, I felt it in my core and I did it on the wet grass! I am getting over my need to have my yoga mat out)
- Low impact or Normal Jumping Jacks (I stuck with the low impact jacks but really dug into them, since I wanted to actually get my groove going today. I may be doing low impact but that can still be a good workout)
- Run to the Baseball Field or Run in place (I was so happy to have that running in place option today! I can totally do that! I even made sure to do a mix of fast and regular speeds. I brought a little high knee kicks into it as well, lol)
4) Set up the bands low for leg work: Itsy Bitsy Spider (I love leg work! I was a pro today and stuck with the red band and I made sure to actually position myself so I was feeling it in my thighs, not my feet or knees)
5) Partner up for Band Jacks: One person holds the band and the other does Jumping Jacks- Low impact or normal (We did the green bands for these and I was 100% okay with that. There is a lot of movement with these!! So I am not sure if I lucked out or not since I was partnered up with Coral and she is all amazing and everything, rofl, She took her turn first and I was happy to just be able to hold the band in place, that was a great arm workout.)
6) Back to the bands on the fence for the leg work with our other leg (Followed the same body positioning that I had and my thighs were happy and feeling it)
7) Go back to your partner and do another round of the Partner Jacks (I almost wanted to claim that my foot was stuck in the band after the leg work since it was my turn to do the jacks, lol, but I sucked it up and did my Low Impact Jacks and I did good! No falling over or embarrassing myself today!)
8) Gather everything up and power walk to the bench on the trail (Power walking is easier to do for me vs running or jogging and I still get that kinda out of breath and lightly sweating feel when I do it.)
9) Rotation sets 2x of:
- Fly outs with the bands, (Coral set out the green bands to use but I grabbed my own red one and did it that way, so much better to me, with the green, I have to bend a lot and that is just weird to me, lol)
- Push ups (I rocked this today, My wrists didn't bother me as much as they normally do)
- Chair Dips (Not sure what was up with these today, my wrists were not happy at all. I did get the chance to stretch out my legs with these when I took a small break to recover my wrists, so plus to me!)
10) Quick stride walking back to the grassy area (I made sure to follow Coral's advice and kept my strides large and my hips were involved)
11) Get out our yoga mats for some Tummy Work
12) 2 Rotations of If You are Happy and You Know It:
- Bring knees up, slap knees (I really wanted to push myself on the tummy work today because I always kinda flake out and just meh on it. Not today! I was making sure to keep my core tight and I was feeling the work out!)
- Russian Twists, (I kept up with that tight core and made sure to engage my tummy muscles and I was getting that sweaty feeling again)
- Bicycles, (These are the easiest of the whole set, I can do these for days)
- Stretch up your legs to the sky and touch your toes (Holy moly, on the first round, my legs were tight! I think they were much better on the second round)
13) Cool down with bending and stretching (We did downward dog, some other folding and pretzel stuff and neck rolling, lol, I was feeling a glow right about this time. I pushed myself in a great way and I wasn't feeling like I was dying but I was so happy!)
14) Pack it up and head home
I wanted to give a quick shout out to Coral for being able to lift her arms up so much! I know I made a joke about it during class but dang, it is so impressive! I think I found another goal for myself!
Every day is getting jam packed with a bunch of activities! I am so happy that I have made it as far as I have and I am able to branch out and try a regular way of doing a move or keep on trucking with my low impact (my boobs thank me for that, lol)
I had so much to say today, but I figure I had built up from yesterday since I was so quiet in that post. And now for the squat challenge. Jesus! I did the math and just started at the screen with a huge sigh. Today is a big number day!
Squat Challenge (135) 9 reps of each x3
Narrow Squat
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift
Sumo Squat
Since we are on day 17 / 30, I am so happy that we are at last half way over and closer to our goal! I just keep reminding myself, one freaking day at a time!! I space these squats out over a 30 minute or more time period. I make sure to watch my body posture and I focus on not hurting myself. I am going to be so sore tomorrow but it will all be worth it!!
I wanted to add a big thank you to all my readers, I love that I have people reading my posts! I sometimes forget that people actually read some of it and not just look at the pictures, lol, I got so used to doing these posts for myself that I am thrown off when random people comment with support and kind things to say. So thank you all and I will make sure to keep up my daily posts on facebook and my blog here!
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