Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 44

August 13th, 2015

Day 44: Work Out / Day 11: Squat Challenge (100)

I was actually early to class today thanks to the kids being great for me. I think my Son was very excited about the fair so he was all ready and eager to start the day. I actually answered the question of the day today AT the group, lol, I felt happy about actually having an answer and not over thinking it.

1) Warm Ups (I think my arms are relieved to be given a bit of a break on the warm ups since we are doing a bit more leg workouts)

2) Speed walk to the bathroom enclosure for wall sits (Longest wall sits ever, we used our resistance bands around our legs instead of a ball between the thighs. It worked just as well for me. I think I got a little stuck in the position but I did it for the whole time with no breaks!)

3) Head over to the grass for a bit more posture work with Janet​ (Ankle circles, leg stretches, cat / cows or whatever animal it is, lol, it was a nice stretch and tone to get ready for Zumba!)

4) Get set up for Zumba - class demo included warm up, dances and cool down (I was a lot nervous about this class because I am not so coordinated and dancing requires a little bit of that. However, I did perfect and had a blast! I am not sure if I would go to a class full time but it is fun every once in a while. I ended up in a light full body sweat and felt like I had a good cardio workout.)

5) Pack up and go home (Big plans for the fair today, so excited to take the kids!)

Squat Challenge (100 total) 5 reps each repeat 4x

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

Done at home since class was focused on Zumba today, today was a big number and thanks to Coral's tips on the mountain mama's page, they weren't too bad.

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