Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 43

August 12th

Day 43: Work Out / Day 10: Squat Challenge (90 total)

For the past two days I have been extremely tired. Not sure if I am just going to bed too late at night or what but I have been taking some hard core naps. Whatever it is, I was yawning towards the end of class and that never happens to me. Really? Working out gives me an energy boost but today was odd.

I never gave an answer to the question today but I have been thinking about it all day and I would have to say Scuba diving is the lesser of the two evils for me, lol, and now for the workout!

1) Warm ups (Freaking question of the day threw me again but at least I have an answer in my post, lol)

2) Head to the college trail for a two minute run (Quick walk for me. I am so over the running but am so happy for the mom's that are doing it!)

3) Head back to a grassy area for a new song set containing: Jumping turns, low impact jacks, one crawling plank and a quick run to the chain link fence and back, 3 rounds? (Cute new song and a new routine! I am proud to admit that I got my hands dirty and wet on the grass vs busting out my yoga mat. I can't remember if we officially did the song 2 or 3 times, hence the question mark)

4) Speed walk to the baseball field (I hustled but did not run, quick walking was perfect)

5) Get out our bands and attach them finger tip height (Going for the red today! I am loving the pull of the red)

6) Tricep extensions (Working those arms and feeling good)

7) Plank hold or plank jacks (Cold, wet grass and once again no yoga mat for me! I was slowly slipping but my posture was great and I didn't fall!)

8) Tricep extensions with other leg forward

9) Move bands to chest height 

10) Arm extensions / curls? (Dropped the ball on the correct title again. Seriously? Day 43 and I still don't have these down? lol, my brain is silly)

11) Remove bands and head to the picnic tables

12) 5 rotations of 5 each: chair dips, push ups, mountain climbers and 3 breaths of downward dog pose (I actually changed tables, did all of the sets correctly and finished in a timely manner!)

13) Head to the grassy area to get out our yoga mats

14) 4 minute ab workout: Push up plank thingie, rest, Star fish crunch, rest, Spider man climbers, rest, wind shield wipers, rest. Do this all 2 times. (Coral said she was really feeling thee last time we did these and I felt like I must have been doing something wrong because while I did all the moves correctly, I was feeling normal. Maybe my core is just too fat?)

15) Stretch it out with different moves

16) Pack it all up and get ready for the story time play date!!

Things went well today. I didn't realize how much we had actually done until I just typed it out, lol, maybe that is why I have been more tired as of late? Actually working hard and using my red bands for the win!!

I am going to have to focus on doing something for me other than all the running. I am feeling kinda mixed on not doing it anymore. I love seeing how fast all the other mama's are and I totally used to want that for myself but I am just content with quick walking and awesome cardio workouts.

The squat challenge was done at home today and I didn't bother with a video. Just looked at the squat picture and did my reps.

Squat Challenge (60 total) 6 reps each repeat 2x 

Narrow Squat 
Narrow Squat with Back Kick
Basic Squat
Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
Sumo Squat

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