Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 5-7 of Squat Challenge

August 7th, 2015
Day 5: Squat Challenge (75 Squats)
Good afternoon! I finally got around to doing my squats for the day and followed them with a 10 minute Better body stretch cool down / workout.
Because I didn't really want to do them all alone, I looked on youtube for a video to follow and I ended up doing an extra set because the lady did, lol, what? So instead of 75, I did 100 today.
1) Narrow Squat 

2) Narrow Squat with Back Kick
3) Basic Squat
4) Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
5) Sumo Squat

5 reps each, 4x total: 100
As for the stretches, I have a ton of workout DVDs and I use Amy Bento as my teacher for today. After the Better Body Stretch, I feel so limber and stretched!
My kids even decided to join me so we were able to do the workout as a family.
As a little side note, I had already started typing when Coral posted a few tips and notes for us and I felt silly for not really doing a warm up set before the Squats but I had been moving around all morning and told myself that as long as I did a cool down, I would be okay. I will be better and do a warm up tomorrow!!
I think she will appreciate my picture for today! Squat like a child, lol

Here is the video that I followed, for those who are curious about it:

August 8th, 2015
Day 6: Squat Challenge (50 Squats)
Good morning! I decided to do everything early since I have plans today! I did my warm ups, squats and then a cool down. Once again, I followed some videos because that actually inspires me to be motivated and get my body positions correct.
I decided to follow Coral's warm up advice today and I did a quick warm up with this video:
I followed that with today's Squat routine and I followed along with this video:
1) Narrow Squat
2) Narrow Squat with Back Kick
3) Basic Squat
4) Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift
5) Sumo Squat
10 reps each, 1x total: 50
I finished off with this cool down video because cooling down is just as important as warming up! We don't want pulled or tense muscles slowing us down!
Whew, it wasn't our hour long workout but I was still feeling the moves and sweating! I really love the feeling after working out and all of this total can be done in a jiffy!

August 9th, 2015
Day 7: Squat Challenge (80 Squats)

Good evening! I was completely bad today. No morning stretches, I only had 1 Liter of water, sat around watching Netflix with my husband and just recovered from yesterday. I did not want to do these squats at all today! I told my husband and he looked at me and told me I needed to do them or I would regret it. That was over an hour ago, lol

I finally decided that I needed to do laundry and so while I am waiting for the dryers to finish, I did my squats. No warm up and I am just too tired for a complete cool down so I just stretched my legs. 

Like I said, really bad today, but I will make up for it tomorrow. And I am lucky since it is a rest day on these freaking squats!! So on with the show:

I followed along with this video but she did an extra set and I said screw that!:

1) Narrow Squat 
2) Narrow Squat with Back Kick
3) Basic Squat
4) Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift 
5) Sumo Squat
8 reps each, 2x total: 80

I paused it and had to rewind so many times. I was 100% okay with going at a snails pace. Coral wants us to be more aware of our body when we do these so I think I did that tonight, rofl, and yes, my husband was correct, I would have felt really bad and guilty if I had skipped a day in this challenge!

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