Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 38

August 4th, 2015

Day 38: Yoga Day / Day 2: Squat Challenge

Good morning all! I was feeling pretty with it today...until about 8 am, lol, I was behind as soon as that hit. Luckily, I was NOT too late as to have missed the warm ups but that question of the day threw me.

What are two adjectives you would use to describe your partner? Phht, the first words that popped into my head were not very nice since I like to joke around about Santiago​ but I with held my answers until I could think on it for a bit more.

After relaxing with some breakfast and doing some dishes, I have some good and suitable answers now: 1) Self-assured and 2) Supportive. I did tell Santi about this question and he suggested smart and obsessive but I like mine better, lol

Now for the work out break down!

1) Warm Ups (I was a little late but I still made it for the stroller and squatting songs as well as a few arm circles!)

2) Head to the Bridge for 2 bursts of 30 second toe taps (Not sure if I was feeli9ng great or what but I was not out of breath and dying! I felt so stinking proud of myself)

3) Head to the Soft ball field for Wheels on the Bus, Resistance band work (I rocked these today as well! I didn't feel the need to stop at any point during the song and I guess I could have actually sung along but one step at a time, lol, and because Kara and I were discussing it, The song consists of Circles, Over head Press, Arm Curls, and Arm Pulses. We do one round and then switch up our directions for the circles and legs we stand on for the next round. 2 Rounds total)

4) Head back over the bridge and start some follow the leader to our yoga mat area (I kept up and almost crashed into Rachel with our abrupt turning but it all worked out, rofl)

5) Get out our mats and do a bunch of yoga moves with a guest Yoga Instructor. These will not be in order and we had some flowing routines that we did but I just wanted to get the names out there. Bare with me, I am working between the teachers notes and google. I will be putting both the official Yoga and common names down! Also note, if there is a right in the name, we also did the left side as well and vice versa! Keeping it equal!

- Samasthiti / Mountain pose with upward stretch
- Urdhva Hastasana / the Palm Tree Pose
- Anjaneyasna / Lunge Pose
- Anjaneyasna / Lunge Pose Twist
- Utthita Ashiwa Sanchalanasana / High Lunge Pose
- Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend
- Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog
- Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose
- Virabhadrasana II / Warrior II Pose
- Ardha Matsyendrasana / Half Twist Pose
- Utkatasana / Chair pose
- Ardha Navasana / Half-boat pose
- Marichyasana right / Right twist with right leg bent
-Virabhadrasana / leg straight right
- Virabhadrasana straight left / Warrior pose on left foot
- Adho Mukha Svanasana plus left / Downward-facing dog pose, left leg up
- Baddha Konasana / Bound angle pose
- Upavishtha Konasana / Seated pose, legs wide apart, back straight

(The yoga section was more fun than I thought that it would be and I enjoyed myself. My eyes feel glazed after writing down that list but that is a basic run down of what we did.

The instructor brought some foam blocks that we could use for the boat pose and it reminded me of the wall sits and I liked it, lol, am I big fan of yoga again? Nope! But I will not complain in my blogs as much as I used to.

It really is beneficial and it makes your body feel so lean and strong when you are finished with a session!)

6) Squat Challenge: 10 of each today! Narrow Squat, Narrow Squat with Back Kick, Basic Squat, Basic Squat with Side Leg Lift, Sumo Squat (10 of these were still on the easy side, my thighs are feeling it more than my butt and I was seriously debating on taking a before and after picture of my butt so I can see if this challenge will actually give me results, rofl, I am still debating. I can't wait too long though. We are already on day 2!)

7) Do a few more yoga moves (There was still about 7 minutes left of class after the squat challenge so we did a few more yoga moves and I am pretty sure I listed them all up there in the yoga section.)

8) Cool down and pack up (Luckily we were all stretched out from the Yoga so I am hoping my body stays nice and flexed for tomorrow's class!)

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