Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 36

July 30th, 2015

Day 36: Not really leg day, more like ab day, lol

1) Warm ups

2) Stretch out our legs (I had a strong feeling we were going to be doing a lot of leg work since we did our leg stretches)

3) Head over to the peapod fence (Just a normal brisk walk, I thought we would have to run it or something, lol, after trial day I was good with not)

4) Attach resistance bands at chest length then do Squat Rows and Arm Extensions (A little switch up from our normal Squat rows, instead of staying in one place, we did multiple squats so we could make sure to get lower and perfect our shape. No slouching backs here! And the arm extensions were like normal but today, I was popping in my joints. I didn't have to stop like a I normally would so I considered that a plus)

5) Undo the bands and head to the college trail (Sigh, I knew there was going to be running involved and I wasn't too excited, not gonna lie, I was hoping to get in some other leg stuff besides running.)

6) Quick game of Red light, Green Light (Longest yellow light of the day, lol, we lunged extended for days after some quick feet and then it was green light and running time!)

7) Run for 6 minutes (I just sped walked this today, I will run again on Monday but after yesterday, I was okay with just fast walking.)

8) Return to the grassy area for 5 rounds of Apple Tree (Them apples, lol, I don't mind these because the tune is catchy and I can actually do all the rounds without having to pause! I suggested that Coral post the songs to all of our work outs on the actual group page so we can memorize them and actually sing along like we are supposed to)

9) Get out our yoga mats for some tummy toning (I was pretty excited to try out some tummy time!)

10) We did a rotation set 2x with breaks in between of: Superman push ups or a plank hold, Star Fish crunch, Spiderman Climbers, and Windshield Wipers (So the guy in the video made these all seem like a breeze, of course he was all muscle man and in shape, lol, it was really fun to try these out and in such a fast pace, it was not as hard as going slow would have been. You don't really have time to think about how many more you have to do when you are moving on a time frame.)

11) Stretch it out with sunny day windshield wipers and leg flexes / stretches (Coral told us that the windshield wipers we had been doing in the previous workout were referred to as rainy day wipers and to do a relaxed version we did the sunny day kind. Just lay on your back and bend your knees, leaving your legs flat on the ground and breath. These are a great way to just unwind and stretch out your legs and core)

12) Pack it up and go home (I let Lilly play on the swings today and I decided to check out the new height of the sand chips since they restocked them yesterday! I am so pumped to try out the swing exercises now because the height is now possible!!)

Day 35

July 29th

Day 35: Trial Day!!
Let me start this off with I was dreading the stupid running. I was smart thinking today and brought my ipod for that section along with my head phones so now I will post my results and at the end I will post a little blurb.
I am also going to be combining months so you can see my improvements or my needs work, lol, The numbers on the left are from the first month and the numbers right after are today!!
1) Warm ups (I made sure I was all flexed and stretched since I knew what was coming)
2) Overhead press with the bands: 28 / 30 (My arms were dying by the end but I really pushed for that extra 2!)
3) Arm Curls with the bands: 30 / 40 (This one seemed like a breeze compared to the presses, I am feeling great at the improvements there and then I realized what was coming next...the running D: )
4) 1/2 mile run: 8 mins 32 sec / 6 mins 45 sec (Ha! Check that out! All the dread and stress and I beat my old time by about 2 minutes. I felt like I was going to die but my music REALLY helped and I wanted to throw up every where but I didn't and then we moved on to the Wall sits, rofl)
5) Wall Sit till you drop: 2 min 4 sec / 1 min (I was feeling like a freaking noodle from the run so I was aiming for at least 1 minute and I got there. OI, it is a worse time than last month but I am still feeling that happy glow for beating my 1/2 mile time!)
6) Chair Dips: 24 / 30 (I was able to get a bit of a break after the wall sits so I could gather myself, drink some water and just chill before these ones so I think I did great on these, +6 is an A in my book, rofl)
7) Step ups: 10 / 8 (I think my brain is messing with me on these stupid stairs. I know I am doing something wrong every time we do these but I can't figure it out and I will just work on it next time, lol)
8) Mountain Climbers: 12 / 20 (I climbed that damn mountain like a pro. What? That is such a huge difference! Obviously I am doing something correct and I am getting stronger!)
9) Push Ups: 10 / 15 (I am not gonna lie, I felt like a champ while doing these push ups. I was on my knees yes but I was doing them correctly and I felt so strong)
10) Plank till you drop: 1 min 30 sec / 1 min (I think I gave my all to the previous activities since the plank just killed me, lol, I only needed 30 more seconds and I am kicking myself for not getting there.)
11) Donkey Kicks: 24 / 30 (My legs will always be the strongest part of me, feeling that now. I am handle these pretty good. Now my butt just needs to show it, rofl)
12) Fire Hydrants: 24 / 30 (My thighs felt like jello after all of these freaking workouts and I am happy to have reached that high of a number D:)
13) Downward Dog till you drop: 2 min / 2 min 30 sec (NO idea how the heck I beat my old time on this one. Those freaking dogs are hard!!! Coral gave us tips on how to adjust our weight and I was all...yeah, let me just not die or fall over and we will be good, rofl!!)

Well, there it is in all of its glory! All of this done in an HOUR!! And I did all of this with my two kids with me. No excuses! Get it done!! I am so proud of myself today, I can see that I have been making progress even though I don't feel like it too often or really see it but obviously something is happening and I am so ready to keep going...but not today, today I am going to just curl up with a good book, take my nap and just let my body unwind)

Day 34

July 28th

Day 34: Day before Trials. Coral wanted to make sure that we didn't over do it today so we can be at our best for tomorrow. I also have my little bleh rant at the end so skip it or read it, I just needed to vent. 

1) Warm ups (I can feel how taking a 4 day break is bad for you. I really need to pump it up again. I guess once you get further along, it really does become tough to keep on going.)
2) Lunge across the bridge (I didn't even make it half way. What I did do, I felt every lift and stretch and dip, lol)
3) Run at your own pace to the softball field (Not too bad, I wasn't dying like I thought I would be)
4) 4 different stations at all of the bases of: Squat kicks, Fly out resistance bands, Plank hold and Reverse Lunges (I ate bugs during my planks, it was not yummy, lol, Kara called me out on my laying just flat out on my tummy so I made sure to be on my knee planks vs just a regular or not doing anything, lol)
5) Go back over to the bridge and toe taps for a minute (Toe taps were good, I was able to do them without stopping, I felt successful. It could be in part of the 30 second intervals that we did instead of just full on all in one burst)
6) Jog to the baseball field (I didn't fall too far behind so yay!)
7) Attach the bands to the fence then do curtsy squats (Felt the burn on these in my legs and a little in my arms but in a good way. I was feeling a flow today.)
8) Grab the bands off the fence to do Old Mac Donald to work thighs (My outer thighs were pulsing after this one and I was so happy that we had a small group today, lol, less animals to suffer though!)
9) Switch it up to Dinah / I've been Working on the Railroad to work arms (I found that today was not as bad as normal with these. I am thinking that I was distracted a little by my Son's Ipod music so I wasn't thinking about how much I want to kill Dinah)
10) Get out Yoga Mats, lay on your back then bring your legs to your chest, stretch them out and repeat. Repeat and do variations that involve arms as well (I can't remember what the heck these we called or if they even had a name. All I know is that I was supposed to be working my core while laying on my back and working with my body and breathing together, lol)
11) Get your legs into a butterfly position and do some stretching pulsing things (Yep, still thinking about how that one is supposed to work. I got the pose down but not so much on the pulsing. I think it is just a coordination thing for me. I also think it also hinders just a bit that Lilly thinks I am playing so she body slams me while I am doing these types of work outs, lol!!)
12) Bicycles (Something really easy! I rode that air bike like I was Armstrong! But without the drugs >.>)
13) Stretch it all out (I can't even remember if I did good stretching out today. I am not feeling sore or anything so I think I have been good, lol)
Personal rant time!! Read or not, just wanted to throw this out there.
Today was a lesson on me to always workout every day but Sunday because I really need to see my results and stop feeling like I am not really going anywhere.
I am tired of having to stop in the middle of a 45 second exercise because of my arms or legs feeling sore or I get out of breath or whatnot. It becomes frustrating so I just want to shut down and that doesn't help me at all.
Coral tells me that I have made improvements and on my good days, I can feel it but on days like today, I feel like I have gotten no where and I am just going to be the fat lady who is always behind everyone and wondering why do I even bother with trying to get in shape.
I think those days are the worst for me. I don't want to drag this whole post down with negativity so I will keep it short but I am so ready to have some more out of shape people join our class, all these fit mama's are looking good and just need a little toning, I need liposuction, a tummy tuck and perhaps a boob job along with a Bob and Julian to kick my ass along with Coral's class D:
One last thing, I don't want people to think that I am being all ugggggh and going to give up but it really sucks some days.
Positive note: I am going to keep on going and I will get to my goals!

Day 33

July 23rd

Day 33: I survived it!
1) Warm ups (I was late thanks to my Son complaining about his sandals. No joke. He had a melt down. As for the question of the day, what do you look forward to most on the week ends? Doing a family activity)
2) Jog at your own pace to the fence with the peapods (I am thinking is it just me being more out of shape than the other moms or what that makes them so much faster than me?)
3) Alternate between fly outs and squat rows 2x (I got this but my legs were certainly feeling those squats)
4) Walk to the college trail for a 6 minute run (Ha! I decided after yesterday that I was just going to take it very slow and I just relaxed at my own pace and had a few quiet reflective moments and it felt great. I really needed that time. Ninja moms can run as fast as they needed to, rofl!!)
5) Walk back to the park and head to the play ground (I knew something was up when we stopped at the play ground, brought me flash backs of the videos that I had been watching)
6) Divide up into groups and do different stations of: push ups, leg lifts hanging from the monkey bars, calf stretches, chair dips (Easiest for me was the calf stretches, rofl, I could do those all day!! I felt kinda bummed about the leg lifts not really working out. That is a great way to work the abs I felt a bit more of the push ups today though. I am going to have to push it this week end and freaking get into a decent shape before wednesday!! Trial day!)
7) Simon Says Squats (I think Coral just wanted to kill us...a little, rofl!! So we did like 100 minutes of different types of squats: standard, pulsing, kick and Jack and if you messed up on a simon she was originally going to have us just sit put in break mode but then I opened my big mouth and jokingly suggested that they can do push ups instead. She agreed! Sorry Mama's who ended up with push ups, lol!)
8) Move over to the grassy area, get out your yoga mat and do a boat pose (Another great stomach building activity! Too bad I had a hilly spot so I tilted every time I tried to lift my legs, lol, of course I was still freaking jello from all those dang simon says leg tortures!)
9) Stretch it out in various ways (I can't remember all the stretches, I know there were some pretzel legs and turn, some neck rolls in there, uhhh, yeah, end of day stuff.)
10) Play date! (Musical toys, Chalk and crayons)
Overall, it went well! I think I am going to try one of my workout dvd's this week end because the thought of not actually working out for 3 days is killing me. I can see myself just sitting around lazy and it is horrible. Plus, I really need to stay in shape for Wednesday and that dang trial day!

Day 32

July 22nd

Day 32: Happy Wednesday!
I actually felt energetic this morning and made to class a bit early! I was all pumped and ready to go and then class started and I felt like a grandma, rofl
1) Warm ups (I actually got low enough in one of my squats that I was stuck. I can laugh now but jeeze, who gets stuck in a squat?!)
2) Follow the leader to the baseball field fence (I pushed as hard as hell to keep up. We had a larger group and I was determined NOT to fall behind!)
3) Get out our bands for tricep extensions (Getting some arm work in and at least I don't have to worry about playing catch up here, lol)
4) Jog at your own pace to the bench (Of course, today all the speedy mama's were there so I was just watching everyone go....until they were gone)
5) Groups of 2 did 3 stations: Reverse lunges, push ups and step ups and we did this 2x (I was the last one to the area and I felt like I was ready to just die then and there but I breathed it out and got to my station. My shins did NOT like the step ups but I did everything else okay)
6) Jog at your own pace back to the fence (Jeeze, more of those fast mama's!!! How they have the freaking energy to keep running after the previous exercise, I have no freaking clue but they were ninjas AGAIN! I did push myself on this running since I really didn't want to hold everyone back. I was only a little behind this time.)
7) More Tricep extensions (I think my legs were most grateful to get a small break, lol)
8) Move to the inside of the fence, put our strollers in a circle for side shuffles with breaks of burpees or hold a plank (I had a gut feeling that we were going to be doing this one next and I was right, lol!! I started out simple then bumped it up as we continued to circle. Got lower in my squats. It would have freaking sucked to get stuck in this one since I got people coming behind me, I would have been trampled!!)
9) Get out our mats, partner up and do russian twists while passing a water bottle (I thought it was perfect timing to partner up since I was drenched in sweat, I was NOT stinky though, yay! I am going to have to really work on getting BOTH of my feet up at one time instead of just one. My core is like freaking jello and it sucks)
10) With your same partner, do a set of leg throw downs (Love these but my core is dumb so I felt like I could have done so much better than I did but on the plus side, I know that it was all me and not the ground! I was on a really smooth grassy part of the land)
11) Do another round of russian twists, passing the bottle the other way (Had a little bit of a better time lifting my legs but still did the trade off of one leg at a time)
12) Another round of Leg throws, each person only did this exercise once (I was able to just stand there and toss some legs this time, I felt bad because my partner was supposed to be watching her back but she over did it just a bit.)
13) Lay on your tummy and do either a Superman pose or a flexing version of moving opposite arm and leg x 2 (Well. What to say about this one -__- I was so very off balance and looked like a drowning person while attempting to move an arm and leg, rofl, at least I could make some of my fellow mama's laugh. I did an amazing job holding my Superman though!)
14) Get up and get out our bands again for Wheels on the bus: circles, curls, arms up over your head thingies while stepping back, arm pulses and I think something else? (Yeah, I can remember what we did while we do it but heck if I can remember now. I think that sometimes the babies on the bus are evil and enjoy my arms feeling like they are going to fall off while I am pulsing, rofl! Hahaha *arms fall off* hahaha. Silly babies!)
15) Get back on the mats and stretch it all out (Oi, I was so very happy to stretch it out today. I am ready to get back to building up my stamina and whatnot after these past 2 days seemed to have drained everything! I was feeling really bad but I will get there.)
16) Pack up, talk about play date for this week and go home (I need to clean out my trunk and then just shove a bunch of fun toys in there so we can have a great time at the play dates!)
Overview and blabs: Jesus, I was feeling like I let myself down a little because I felt I didn't push as hard as I wanted but looking at everything we did, I would say Coral killed us today, rofl!! I am feeling like jello and proud of it! I earned that feeling and am excited about tomorrow.
And for those Mama's who wanted to play like you didn't hear Coral and I talking about 5 days a week, I am going to keep bringing it up! I am so ready for Monday - Friday!!

Day 31

July 21st

Day 31: Happy Tuesday! I was very low on the energy today but I still did it!
1) Warm ups (I kept my answer short and simple today, oh yeah!)
2) Lunge across the bridge (I was feeling every single one of these today. I had to call it a day before the end of the bridge)
3) Run on the path for 3 minutes then return 3 minutes later back to the bridge for a 6 minute total run (Phht, yeeeeaaahhhh, I walked out about half way, lost site of everyone then turned around. I was not having any running today. I will push for it tomorrow or by Thursday!)
4) Walk to the side walk to begin side shuffles to the grassy area by the bathrooms (I did step it up and I did at least 30 seconds on each leg, I may have felt like falling over the whole time but I had to do something to make up for my lack of running earlier)
5) Begin a 60 second rotation of: 1 person wall sit, 1 person do fly outs with the resistance bands, 1 person do push ups and 1 person do squat jacks (I managed the wall sit for about 15 seconds before I took a break then went right back into it. I did not do the full minute but I held out as long as I could. The fly outs were tough as well but I did manage to do the full minute. Nope on the push ups. I laid down then did a plank for like 10 seconds.)
6) Move over to the benches to do Tricep dips and downward dog stretches (I held a dip position for the first wave, managed 2 dips on the second then did all of them on the 3rd round. I guess I just had to build up, lol! I did the downward dogs okay, those made me feel all stretchy and nice)
7) Move over to the grassy area for one last cardio burst of Apple Tree (I did a lazy woman version of those apple trees. While Coral sings the song, you do knee lift / kick things, running in place then 2 squats. I did all the steps but at a slower pace. I did all of it though!!)
8) Get out our mats and our bands for resistance leg extensions (My lower half was on strike at this point. I blame the apples, lol, but I did do a few of the extensions on each of my legs)
9) We then did leg curl sit ups (I settled for just bringing my legs up to my chest and enjoying feeling the stretch in my torso and then I branched out a bit and stretched my legs while they were by my chest or a more extended feel)
10) Stretch out then proceed with bicycles (I did manage a few of these but I stayed flat on my back with my head relaxed the whole time. I kept it relaxing and didn't push myself sweaty. No point in aggravating the cramps, right?)
11) Stretch it all out with cat cows and a few other things (This is where it started to blur since Lilly decided to run off and really wanted to get a dog that was running around then she wanted to go to the street.)
12) Cool down then pack up
Today was so exhausting but hell, I stuck it through and I may not be getting maximum output and input but I am getting something! So much better than just sitting around and hating the world. I did make sure to apologize in advance for my crazy mood swing self, lol!

Day 30

July 20th

Day 30: Monday again! I brought a guest, Hillary, with me so that was fun to show off what our class is all about.
On a more personal note: I was feeling low on energy today thanks to not really doing anything for 3 days and being a female with bleeding girl parts. I was even debating on NOT going today but I sucked it up and am glad I did. Sorry for the TMI, rofl, so let's get on with the post for today
1) Warm ups (I feel bad for dragging out my question of the day answer since I feel like it cut into our workout time D: And then I realized that Hillary never even got to answer. I am so just going to go last or just keep it REALLY short, rofl, oops!)
2) Head to the fence past the tennis courts where the snap peas grow, get out our bands and do a few sets of fly outs and arm curls (I still get a laugh when people realize that there are things growing on those vines besides flowers. Besides the sun being all up in my face, it was nice to get my arms moving again today.)
3) Follow the Leader to the baseball field (I was rocking it today, not gonna lie, Coral even gave me a compliment I think that the running has become so much easier and I don't dread it as much as I used to. Still not a favorite but not the worst thing we could do)
4) Get out our bands for some curtsy squats (So those grape vine foot shuffles squats have an official name and Hillary showed off a little by knowing it. They are called Curtsy Squats! I felt those suckers in my legs.)
5) Get into partners for some Resistance Jacks (These are the ones where your partner hold the bands while you do jumping jacks or low impact jacks. I think they are pretty fun and once I stopped doing the low version ones wrong I actually did pretty good, lol, lift those arms up when you go low and you suddenly feel everything)
6) Pack up and head over to the picnic tables where we did a mix of low level mountain climbers and downward dogs (Thanks to a video that I shared with Coral, we tried out a low impact version of the mountain climbers that I could do today. I will for sure speed these up once I am done with the female time. Jumping and twisting and whatnot feels disgusting when you are a mess in the lower area ^^' I was able to do the new downward dogs easier though. I like how much smoother it was for me to do them dogs when I was on the bench vs the ground.)
7) Move over to the grassy area, get out our mats and alternate between side and tummy planks (Lilly really likes to help me whenever I am on the ground so these were a bit more fun, lol. I was totally okay with taking it a bit easy here since I was feeling so worn out and ready for a nap by this time. I did surprise myself with being able to lift and hold myself off the ground for the side planks though!)
8) Finish it all off by stretching it out (Wanted to just melt into my nap but I packed it up and headed home after stretching it out. I am really hoping tomorrow will be better! I am so over this female thing. 
I want to work out with my positive energy!)

Day 29

July 16th

Day 29: Thursday is here again! Let's see how I can do this recap of today.
1) Warm ups (I wasn't really able to hold my squats like I normally do by Thursday but it is okay, I made it 1.5 rounds)
2) Walk to the bridge for toe taps (I always feel like the bridge is going to fall down one of these days with all of us jumping, it vibrates so much after we are all finished)
3) Walk past the softball field to the road by the air strip and run 10 minutes (Phht, suuure! I totally just sped walked the first part then I did actually run on the way back. I think it helped the sun was at my back instead of blaring in my face.)
4) Meet up at the Softball field to do one set of wall sits and one set of resistance arm curls (I think those wall sits were pretty cool today since we had a ball to put between our thighs and it really helped on getting the positions right. I didn't have as much of an issue with the sand today either! I might have to bring a ball with me for future use!)
5) Head back over the bridge for follow the leader to the baseball field benches (I think Coral was into running today to make up for the lack of our college day, lol, all those dang running activities we did, but I totally did it and I actually ran and kept up. No dying and out of breath for me today! Yay!)
6) Once at the benches, Do a combination set of step ups and push ups (I have to admit I zoned out a little bit so I missed a few step ups and then I caught on and did awesome. I think Frankie was wondering what the heck I was doing at one point and that helped me clue in, rofl!!)
7) Move over to the grassy area, get out our yoga mats and do some leg throw downs (These are still one of my favorites! I just wish my back would stop finding all the little hills and dips and what not so I can just focus on my legs and abs vs what the gophers are doing at the moment, lol)
8) Stretch it out and cool down. (I am feeling my legs today thanks to all the running so I am making sure to keep stretching it out even while typing this post)

Day 28

July 15th

Day 28: Back to our normal posting thanks to my internet coming back! I was on time and even a little early for our workout today! I am feeling so sore today between yesterday's workout and cleaning my house but I was able to work out just fine (kinda, lol)
1) Warm ups with some bonus leg stuff thrown in (This made me suspicious about there being running or some other kinda leg work today....I was right, lol)
2) Run to the baseball field fence where we got out our arm bands and did some tricep extensions (I was really feeling these in my arms today, thanks to being so sore but it was a good stretch)
3) Run to a bench that was past the baseball field (Between being sore and my legs feeling everything from yesterday, I feel like I did okay, lol, I actually ran for a good minute before I had to speed walk and jog interval)
4) Complete 3 stations of: jumping jacks, tricep dips and push ups (I did awesome on my low impact jumping jacks and pretty good on my push ups and I was dead by the time I hit the stupid dips. I did like 5 of them vs the 20 should have happened but hey, at least I tried!)
5) Red light, Green light back to the baseball fence (I had to take it easy today and did not feel guilty or like I was giving up at all. I did a mixture of lunge extensions and lunge curls. I also focused on not hurting myself or falling too behind by doing some quick feet to catch up while people were getting ahead of me, lol)
6) We got back to our bands and did a few more tricep extensions (these helped my arms get a little less jelly from those push ups and dips, lol)
7) Walk to a grassy area where we got out our mats and did some boat thingies (I really feel these in my core which is a good and bad feeling for me since I feel so fat when I actually use my core in workouts I just need to work my stomach more and get rid of this stupid pooch!)
8) Stretching and other such stuff to cool down and unwind (I gotta admit, I used to love doing yoga and Pilates but I am just not a fan anymore. Maybe once my gut is smaller I might be into it but I feel so awkward and out of shape when I am bending and hold certain positions that I become frustrated and just want to move on. I still do the poses, of course, I need to stretch and loosen up but ugh, I am all about the cardio and moving and jumping around vs staying in one place and bending like a noodle, lol!!)
Over all, today was good. I was really surprised that I am so sore but I feel accomplished because I am. It feels like I am actually getting some results and my stamina is totally building!
27 days ago, I would NOT have been able to run as much as I have in the past 2 days AND keep going on to do more exercises and my catch up time is improving as well. I can catch my breath faster 
Also to the ladies who told me they enjoyed my posts this morning, thank you! I love writing these posts and I am happy people are actually reading them.
I really want to inspire others to get up and do something and hey, if I can do it with my two kids with me. Why can't you do it with your kids or alone? I want to be fit and healthy and I want the same for others

Day 27

July 15th

Day 27: Thanks to the internet going down in my area, I was unable to post yesterday and everything I wrote down on my ipad was deleted so now I am going to try to recap as best as I can without mixing up the two days.
I was late so I missed warm ups but here is what I did:
1) Walk to the fence by the trailer park and college path, get out our bands and do fly outs and another arm exercise, might have been the rowing ones, lol (I love the view from this spot and these arm exercises are really nice)
2) Pack up the bands and do a 5 minute college trail run (I was able to actually mostly keep up and I have to admit, the running on the way back was soo much easier for me. Not sure if I had warmed up enough or it was the idea of reaching a place for no more running, lol!!)
3) Meet up at a picnic table where we did push ups, planks and step ups (I love when we use the tables since it is so much easier for me thanks to my big boobs and small t-rex arms!! Coral says that the tables help our bodies get used to the correct positions that we would be in on the ground and I am inclined to agree, lol, I can't do as many push ups or planks like I can on the tables)
4) Move over to the tennis court fence, get out the bands and do kettle bells (These ones are really fun for me, I love the wide range of movement that my body gets and thanks to my band, I don't need any fancy kettle bells)
5) Move over to a grassy area, get out our mats and we did hip lifts for the entire ABC song (These feel really good to my lower back, which needs a bunch of work and that freaking song has never seemed so long, lol)
6) Write our ABC's with our legs (These require coordination and good leg strength! 26 letters of leg movement and I was feeling the burn, but in a good way!)
7) Stretching of various sorts. Yoga stuff and what not. (This is where my memory ends so heck if I can remember what happened here, lol!!)
8) Cool down and pack up
This was written out so much better yesterday, rofl, however, I think I got at least 98% of what we did. I know that I am missing something but I am glad I was able to write this again!

Day 26

July 13th

Day 26: Coral called this: Shapin' Sexy Thighs day (I think it was a fancy way of saying leg day, lol)
I am going to try to do a recap. I was on just follow and do today instead of remember mode, it all blends together when you have a great work out! Things will be out of order and I know I am going to forget one or two things. And because I told Coral I would add more of my opinion in my posts, there will be some of that as well.
1) Warm ups (Like every other Monday, I seem to only be able to hold the squats for the first round, but it gets easier as the days pass and my booty and legs get back into it, lol)
2) Follow the leader to the baseball field (I actually ran and kept up, thank you very much!)
3) Get out resistance bands and attach them to the fence, ankle level
4) Rotation shifts between right leg and left leg inner thigh with the bands (Once again, I seem to have been feeling these stretches on the leg I am balancing on vs the thighs or the leg that is actually moving. As we continued our rotations, I began to feel it. I totally played it safe today and used a green band. I am thinking I should stop giving myself breaks like that because it does me no good and defeats my purpose.)
5) Push ups
6) More inner thigh flexes
7) Some fancy leg thingies that reminded me of the grape vine exercise, lol (I was so jelly legged after doing these but I did them all and with NO stops!)
8) More inner thigh flexes
9) Those vine thingies with the resistance bands so we were working our legs and arms
10) Mountain climbers (We have a choice of on the ground or standing up and I was the rebel who was standing up, lol, I prefer them that way)
11) Move the resistance bands to arm level and to Tricep extensions
12) I know this one is way out of order, but we also did some partner resistance band work: 1 person held the band while the other did sets of jumping jack arm thingies. Low, middle and high were the levels. (These were pretty fun, I kinda felt like I was playing a kind of red light, green light since we switched between the levels and I had to readjust on the fly, lol)
13) Pack up and move to the tables then change our minds because of time (I am thinking I got out of step ups and other additional leg tortures -ahem- lol)
14) Move to our normal cool down area and we got out our bands again and did a VERY long round of Old Mac Donald, this exercise worked out our outer thighs and I tend to stick with the squats instead of the jumping jacks that everyone else does during the intervals (I was totally awesome and suggested the he had Raptors on his farm, lol, what sound do they make? I chose the clicking sound. Of course, they also bark and growl so there were some options :P)
15) We then got out our yoga mats for some leg scissors and leg spread thingies. (Feeling very happy I am comfortable with my workout group because those leg spread things were very -ahem- and I want to give a shout out to my daughter who decided it would be awesome to body slam my stomach while my legs were spread then laugh in my face, love you ♥)
16) Cool down and stretching!
So I think that I will stop taking it easy on myself after today because I want to actually get results and playing it safe and comfortable is not going to do it for me.

Day 25

July 9th

Day 25: I can't believe it has already been 25 days. Time is flying by so fast!
Today was our college day and thank goodness the weather was awesome! I did not over heat and feel sick, I rocked it today and felt like jello instead, rofl
1) Warm ups (the squats killed me today, I think I did much better yesterday, lol)
2) Run / jog / walk around the track (I tried to run the shorts and walk the longs)
3) Meet up by these wooden bars / planks on the grounds to do some calf pulses (balancing was fun and my calves felt the burn)
4) Walk / Run / Jog to the bleachers
5) Lunge pulses up the stairs, walk back down the lunge pulse again (I like the lunge pulses but I tend to feel them more on my left leg than my right)
6) Divide into groups of 2 and one person walked up and down the stairs while their partner did resistance bands on their legs, working the inner thighs for reps of 40 on each leg (This is a tough one, that red band really worked my legs but I pushed through it and managed my 40 or rather, my 80, lol)
7) Bench presses or Tricep dips (I can never remember what the dang things are called and since I was jello from all the stairs, I pushed through the wobbles and did them!)
8) Walk out to the grassy area and got out our yoga mats to work out our back muscles with Supermans (I felt like I should put my towel around my neck and have it draped around my back so I could feel like a real superhero, rofl)
9) We stretched out and relaxed
Today was good, I pushed myself and I invested in a healthy breakfast / after workout snack and I didn't feel the need to just get home and crash into a nap, I am still going to want a nap today but not for a few more hours.

Day 22 - 24

July 6th

Day 22: I didn't want to wake up and go to class. At all. So I forced myself to and was about 10-15 minutes late. I missed a few things but I did participate a little.
What I did was:
1) Walk to find the group, let them finish their current exercise 
2) Play Red light (run in place / quick feet), Yellow light (Lunge extensions), Green light (run at your own pace) back to the baseball field
3) Meet up at the fence in the field where we set up our bands at finger tip length and did intervals of tricep stuff and knee high kicks
4) Put the strollers in a circle then do the monkey squat things with intervals of planks
5) Head over to our cool down area with our yoga mats where we did resistance band leg kicks
6) Stretch it all out

July 7th

Day 23: Felt exhausted again today but fought through it and was only a couple minutes late. Got there in the middle of warm ups! I put more effort into today and felt good.
1) Warm ups
2) Lunge extensions across the bridge

3) Toe taps on the bridge
4) Jog to the bathroom area to begin our rotation of exercises
5) Different stations of: 1) wall sits, 2) fly away's with the resistance bands and 3) planks
6) Move over to the picnic tables to do different sets of side steps
7) Move to our rest area with our yoga mats and do side leg lifts and different types of yoga stretches and a few more planks
8) Wrap it all up with stretching out and relaxing

July 8th

Day 24: Better today, I am so ready for my nap though, lol
1) Warm ups
2) 5 minute run
3) Butt kicks across the bridge
4) Arm workouts with Dinah
5) Rotation stations: 1) plank hold or mountain climbers, 2) over head arm thingies with resistance bands and 3) squats or squat jumps
6) Leg throw downs
7) Yoga tree stretches and other cool down stuff
I am not sure if it was my lack of sleep lately but I was feeling kinda sore more than usual, but I did enjoy the workout and I am looking forward to tomorrow. College or not, lol

Day 21

July 2nd

Day 21: Today was freaking rough! By the end of it, my stomach was so upset from the heat, I had to call it. I have been drinking a TON of water today and just taking it easy.
I think I might have to call it quits on the college days and just stick with Ganser Park. It is nice and shady over there.
I did manage to get some work done though:
1) warm up song and stretches
2) 20 lunges
3) walk / run around the track
4) sprints on the bleachers x 4
5) push ups x10
6) pulsing lunges up the bleachers 1x
7) some resistance bands on my legs: lost count thanks to feeling so sick
8) walk back to my truck and pack up everything
I was drenched in sweat and feeling miserable by the time the day ended. I wanted to keep going but screw outside in the sun D:

Day 20

July 1st

Day 20: Work out by myself (kids included, lol)
I really pushed it today since I was alone. I made up my own work out and had my timer with me and I actually had fun! Here is what I did:
1) Warm up songs and stretches for 5 minutes
2) Headed to the bridge and lunged my way across with half of the way doing back lifts and the other half front lifts then stretched it all out by walking to the end of the path past the soft ball field
3) I turned around and went back to the bridge to do one full minute of toe taps
4) I then walked / jogged our normal path to the benches where I did 1 minute bouts of push ups, tricep dip bench and step ups and I also laid down on a bench and attempted the bench leg raises which turned into leg curls but it really worked my core!
5) My son was REALLY wanting me to do the swing exercises so we moved over to the swings and I think I laughed off more calories then anything that swing provided. I am too short and the swings are too high off the ground!
6) I then moved on to the play ground where I did 1 minute of lunge squat thingies, followed by some resistance band work!
7) I attached the band to the ring of the monkey bars and did 1 minute of Tricep push downs and then 1 minute of the downward outreached arm extensions
8) I then decided to try out 1 minute of line jumps and luckily I didn't hurt myself, lol, and they were pretty fun!
9) I then looked at the time and realized it was cool down with stretching and relaxing time! I headed to a grassy area closer to my truck then busted out my yoga mat and stretched out and just relaxed while my kids ran around and played with the toys I brought.
Overall, I was very impressed with myself and I didn't decide to just slack off since no one was there to watch or supervise, lol, I left the park covered in sweat and feeling sore but in a good way.

Day 19

June 30th

Day 19: Good workout today, and even though my brain is so melted from this heat, I am going to recap the best that I can!
1) Good morning workouts with warm up and squats
2) we moved on to a fenced area where we did resistance band rowing and fly outs
3) went back to the park at a walk / jog at your own pace to a grassy area to hang out with my good pal, Dinah, rofl, and we worked the heck out of our arms using the bands once again
4) We switched it down to our legs with Old Mac Donald and got some good thigh action going on
5) We moved over to the fence and focused on our inner thigh area with leg band work
6) We moved to our usual grassy spot, took out our yoga mats and proceeded to do fire hydrants and donkey kicks, as if our legs and butts hadn't just been put through the wringer
7) We tossed in some planks and some knee curled up to our chest crunch thingies as well. Still chuckling over Coral's brother in law's comment about how we were supposed to be crunching!
8) We then did some stretching out and relaxing our muscles.

Day 18

June 29th

Day 18: Wall Sit Day
Good morning stretches, followed by lunging across the bridge to get to our destination of the softball field.
We did sets of 30 second wall sits followed by some running, skipping, side shuffles, grape vines to the grass across from our wall and did some jumping jacks, push ups, lunge thingies and even more wall sits, lol
So it looked like this:
30 second wall sit, run to the grass, do some jumping jacks, run back,
30 second wall sit, skip to the grass, do some push ups, skip back to the wall,
30 second wall sit, ect...
When we finished with that, we went back to the bridge and did our toe taps for a bit then jogged to our grassy space to do some yoga mat work. Downward dog, planks and stretching.
As a note on those wall sits: We do them in the sand so not only do you work on a perfect position but you try NOT to slip in the sand! Extra props for the working out part, lol
I felt out of breath and extremely sweaty the whole time, I really need to do small workouts on my own over the weekend. 3 days of doing nothing but walking as exercise sucks and I need to pump it up. I am thinking just Sunday will be my rest day.

Day 17

June 25th

Day 17: Leg day!! Lol, we went up to the college and did our workout there on the bleachers and track field.
We started out with our warm up stretches and I just realized we didn't do our song!!
Then we did a lap on the college track and headed to the bleachers where we did a few kettle bell squat stretches with our resistance bands with intermissions of running up and down the bleachers.
Next we paired up and did a tag team exercise of one person running up and down the bleachers while the other hooked the band to their foot and worked their inner thighs.
We all moved to a shady part of the track field and proceeded to get out our yoga mats and did some more leg workouts and planks.
We then finished off with a few good stretches and started our musical play date with the kids. 
I am totally looking forward to hanging out at the Farmers Market tonight and eating some healthy fruits and veggies!!!

Day 16

June 24th

Day 16: Today was test day. I was completely dreading today, I know how out of shape I am and having it pointed out and written down was not something I was going to be excited about. I was seriously considering missing class today, it got to me that bad. Not to mention I was feeling really depressed yesterday and it showed in my post!
However, today was awesome and totally worth being there! Besides the running. I will never be happy to run. Ever.
Thanks to today, I know what I can do and what I need to improve on and I can only get better! I am going to try to remember everything we did, lol, here we go:
Warm ups
Resistance bands: lifting from the back and the front
1/2 mile (or was it a 1/3 mile?) Run
Wall sits till you drop
Bench sits / lift thingies
Step Ups
Fire Hydrants
Donkey Kicks
Planks till you drop
Downward dog till you drop
Cool down and stretch
Phew, it was a total workout and I am happy with my numbers! Do I remember all of them off the top of my head? Nope! But that is not the point. I did EVERYTHING and I lived! I am excited to see how much I have improved by next month!