Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 31

July 21st

Day 31: Happy Tuesday! I was very low on the energy today but I still did it!
1) Warm ups (I kept my answer short and simple today, oh yeah!)
2) Lunge across the bridge (I was feeling every single one of these today. I had to call it a day before the end of the bridge)
3) Run on the path for 3 minutes then return 3 minutes later back to the bridge for a 6 minute total run (Phht, yeeeeaaahhhh, I walked out about half way, lost site of everyone then turned around. I was not having any running today. I will push for it tomorrow or by Thursday!)
4) Walk to the side walk to begin side shuffles to the grassy area by the bathrooms (I did step it up and I did at least 30 seconds on each leg, I may have felt like falling over the whole time but I had to do something to make up for my lack of running earlier)
5) Begin a 60 second rotation of: 1 person wall sit, 1 person do fly outs with the resistance bands, 1 person do push ups and 1 person do squat jacks (I managed the wall sit for about 15 seconds before I took a break then went right back into it. I did not do the full minute but I held out as long as I could. The fly outs were tough as well but I did manage to do the full minute. Nope on the push ups. I laid down then did a plank for like 10 seconds.)
6) Move over to the benches to do Tricep dips and downward dog stretches (I held a dip position for the first wave, managed 2 dips on the second then did all of them on the 3rd round. I guess I just had to build up, lol! I did the downward dogs okay, those made me feel all stretchy and nice)
7) Move over to the grassy area for one last cardio burst of Apple Tree (I did a lazy woman version of those apple trees. While Coral sings the song, you do knee lift / kick things, running in place then 2 squats. I did all the steps but at a slower pace. I did all of it though!!)
8) Get out our mats and our bands for resistance leg extensions (My lower half was on strike at this point. I blame the apples, lol, but I did do a few of the extensions on each of my legs)
9) We then did leg curl sit ups (I settled for just bringing my legs up to my chest and enjoying feeling the stretch in my torso and then I branched out a bit and stretched my legs while they were by my chest or a more extended feel)
10) Stretch out then proceed with bicycles (I did manage a few of these but I stayed flat on my back with my head relaxed the whole time. I kept it relaxing and didn't push myself sweaty. No point in aggravating the cramps, right?)
11) Stretch it all out with cat cows and a few other things (This is where it started to blur since Lilly decided to run off and really wanted to get a dog that was running around then she wanted to go to the street.)
12) Cool down then pack up
Today was so exhausting but hell, I stuck it through and I may not be getting maximum output and input but I am getting something! So much better than just sitting around and hating the world. I did make sure to apologize in advance for my crazy mood swing self, lol!

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