Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 33

July 23rd

Day 33: I survived it!
1) Warm ups (I was late thanks to my Son complaining about his sandals. No joke. He had a melt down. As for the question of the day, what do you look forward to most on the week ends? Doing a family activity)
2) Jog at your own pace to the fence with the peapods (I am thinking is it just me being more out of shape than the other moms or what that makes them so much faster than me?)
3) Alternate between fly outs and squat rows 2x (I got this but my legs were certainly feeling those squats)
4) Walk to the college trail for a 6 minute run (Ha! I decided after yesterday that I was just going to take it very slow and I just relaxed at my own pace and had a few quiet reflective moments and it felt great. I really needed that time. Ninja moms can run as fast as they needed to, rofl!!)
5) Walk back to the park and head to the play ground (I knew something was up when we stopped at the play ground, brought me flash backs of the videos that I had been watching)
6) Divide up into groups and do different stations of: push ups, leg lifts hanging from the monkey bars, calf stretches, chair dips (Easiest for me was the calf stretches, rofl, I could do those all day!! I felt kinda bummed about the leg lifts not really working out. That is a great way to work the abs I felt a bit more of the push ups today though. I am going to have to push it this week end and freaking get into a decent shape before wednesday!! Trial day!)
7) Simon Says Squats (I think Coral just wanted to kill us...a little, rofl!! So we did like 100 minutes of different types of squats: standard, pulsing, kick and Jack and if you messed up on a simon she was originally going to have us just sit put in break mode but then I opened my big mouth and jokingly suggested that they can do push ups instead. She agreed! Sorry Mama's who ended up with push ups, lol!)
8) Move over to the grassy area, get out your yoga mat and do a boat pose (Another great stomach building activity! Too bad I had a hilly spot so I tilted every time I tried to lift my legs, lol, of course I was still freaking jello from all those dang simon says leg tortures!)
9) Stretch it out in various ways (I can't remember all the stretches, I know there were some pretzel legs and turn, some neck rolls in there, uhhh, yeah, end of day stuff.)
10) Play date! (Musical toys, Chalk and crayons)
Overall, it went well! I think I am going to try one of my workout dvd's this week end because the thought of not actually working out for 3 days is killing me. I can see myself just sitting around lazy and it is horrible. Plus, I really need to stay in shape for Wednesday and that dang trial day!

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